Monday, March 31, 2008

Some Ways To Get Rid Of Political Frogs

We feel angry that we have been betrayed when a political frog from Perak DAP resigned from Dap and he may cross over to BN. He has betrayed the electrorates and he should be punished.
Dap and other political parties should devise some precautions to prevent political frogs hopping from one party to another.
Some of the suggested ways are like below:

1) The candidate must pledge a vow to his god before election that he will not betray the party and cross over to other parties once he is elected.
2)He must put in in paper that he will pay a compensation of 10 millions to the party if he breaches the contract and hops to other party when he is elected.
3) He needs 10 guarantors who are people of influential to him to sign a contract to guarantee that he will not be a political frog

Last but not least, we Malaysians must exert people`s power to eradicate political frogs from Malaysian political arena

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Towards Bipartisan Rule‏

Barisan Nasional has lost many of its strongholds to the alternative coalition in the last election. It is a nightmare for Barisan Nasional but it is good for the nation in the long run. The results of the last election shows the desire of the people to initiate a bipartisan rule in Malaysia. Bipartisan rule has been practised in many countries including USA. The stiff competitions between the Democrates and the Republican help to install a clean and transparent government which places the interests of the electrorates and the nation first. The president who made a serious mistake( such as Bush`s Gulf war) will bring disastrous consequences to his party. It looks like the Republican will have to pay a price for the mistakes made by Bush and Obama is most likely to enter the White House if he could defeat his main competitor, Hiliary. Republican`s McCain is no longer relevant.With the formation of two - party rule, each party will try its best to prove to the people that it is trusworthy, transparent, clean and efficient. Since people have the choice, the present government must not be seen as a corrupt or an arrogant one but rather a government which will strive for the benefits of all the people and the nation.Should the government fall short of people`s expectations , then it will lose its power to its opponent in the next five years.The two - party system has helped the Taiwanese to get rid of a corrupted president ( Mr. Chen Shui Bian) and the Democratic Progressive party.With the formation of a two party system , we Malaysians can also get rid of a corrupt government that abuses its power for its own gain.As electrorates are more educated and more matured politically nowadays, the onus is on the party concerned to prove its integrity and its credibility, failing which it has no other options but to give up its power to another party. A healthy competition between two parties is a good thing to the people and to the nation. Malaysia can become more competitive and progressive in the long run due to healthy competitions between two parties.Corruptions ,red tapes, inefficiency, complacency, arrogance and abuse of power in the legislative, judiciary and administrative would be reduced to minimum under the bipartisan rule in which people become the true masters.Nobody can defy people`s power anymore

Obama Versus Hiliary.

It is of interest to note that the democrates has nominated a black candidate to be president hopeful. It looks like Obama is leading Hiliary. Mc Cain, on the other hand is quite far lagging behind.Whether the democrates or the republican will win depends on the capability of Mc Cain to play the racial issue. As we all know, the whites still resent the coloured. If Obama finally win, then America history must be rewritten.Descendent of the slaves can be president is a good news for all the oppressed people in the world. Lets watch whether the whites are ready to accept a black president.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Complacency Brings To The Downfall

After the people`s coalition sweeps into power, we notice that some of the elected MP or state assemblymen become complacent. They are not heard or be seen. If they think that they don`t need to do work but appear again before the next election, they will be very wrong for people can always remember what they have done or what they have not done.

The new YB s are reminded to start their service immediatedly. If they have not opened their service centres, they must do so now. People are watching every move they make. So YB, do not be complacent. You must be seen with the people everyday for it is your wish to be elected as MP or state assemblyman.You had made promises to serve the people . And people give you a chance. So you must fulfil your promises.

Now that we are geared towards two - party rule and that there bound to be stiff competitions between Barisan Nasional and Barisan Rakyat. Electrorates are more educated and sophisticated nowadays. The electrorates will watch and judge which coalition can bring prosperity and well being to the people and the nation. The complacent and the arrogant MPs or state assemblymen will definitely be out of the political arena in the near future.
Unless one is no longer interested to be the candidate in the next election, there is no choice but to work hard and help to solve people`s problems as well as formulating policies with good governence which will bring benefits to all the people.

Be seen and be heard. There should not be any honeymoon time.

Ling TOh Woon 9 jalan Anggerik Liparis 31/148 kota kemuning 40460 Shah Alam Selangor. 012- 3767032 Ic 570505-08-5375

Are You Ready?

Dear people coalition leaders,

Now Malaysians are ready to give a you a chance to form the next government. But are you ready? Would the three parties unite and cooperate fully or would the internal quarreling bring to the downfall? We hope that you get ready to take over. Do not be complacent and do not be arrogant.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do not be complacent

I would like to remind all those MPs and state assemblymen from the people coalition not to be complacent. After elections, i notice that some of them suddenly become quiet. We do not know where they are now. They must be seen and be heard or at least they must be seen to serve the people. If they think that they can enjoy life after being elected, they would be out in the next election.

Do not follow the footstep of BN. Do not be arrogant but be approachable by the people. If you want people to vote you again, do work hard.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Towards Bipartisan Rule

Dear Malaysians, We are now geared towards bipartisan rule. We people are the real masters now. If the parties or MPS are not doing their jobs . We must show them the way out.
The Americans benefited from the bipartisan rule. We Malaysians , regardless of race, religion and cultural backgrounds, should be prepared for this bipartisan rule from now on.
Through bipartisan rule, the ruling parties will not be arrogant. They will always be on their toes. If they don`t perform, let them quit politic

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We must be grateful to Pak Lah for the smooth transition of power

Dear Malaysians,

No matter how you look at Pak Lah, there is one thing good in him. That is , he allows the smooth transitions of power. If it is Mahathir, there is no way the opposition could win the election. Mahathir, like Suharto and Lee Kuan Yew are the dreaded dictators. Thanks God that Pak Lah is liberal and thank him for his kindness to allow opposition to rule the 5 states without any major problems.

Who will be the next MCA president?

Dear Malaysians,

Do you know why Ong Kar TIng does not want to become a minister and let his brother Ong Kar Chuan to become a minister? You just think carefully then you know the answer.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arrogance Leads To Downfall

BN was badly defeated due to its own arrogance.Its leaders are unapproachable and they take things for granted. They treat people like fools. They think that by giving people sweeties before election people will vote for them.

When BN won the last election they rewarded people with rising petrol fares and toll fares. Now they got defeated. Serve them right.The MCA leaders are only interested in post and money and self benefit. Now Chinese reject them. They now have to pay for the sins they have committed

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why BN Lost So Badly And Lessons To Be Learnt By Alternative Coalition

The results of the last election in which BN candidates were badly defeated were unexpected and many BN leaders , particularly those from UMNO , couldn`t accept it. So they started to blame on the prime minister Dato Abdullah Badawi and some of the UMNO leaders have even openly asked Pak Lah to step down.

Although Pak Lah was partly responsible for the defeat but it was the government of BN that was fully responsible for the defeat. After many decades in power, many BN leaders became complacent. They involved themselves in corruptions, immoral practice and some even involved in sex scandals.Not only that, many BN leaders treat party posts as their private properties and right. Thus, even if they themselves fail to become the candidates, they make sure that thier sons, daughter in - law or relatives stand as candidates. If the party leaders failed to cowtow to them, then they will stage a protest and even sabtoge other candidates not of their choice. Thus, even if their sons had just joined the party a few years ago and still lack of experience and capability, they have the chance to be MP and even ministers with the blessings of their fathers. Malaysians are highly educated nowadays. We cannot tolerate dynasty anymore.. We look at these cronies with disgust and reject them.
After many years in power, BN leaders become arrogant. They are unapproachable. We Malaysians are unable to meet them in their office. Their political secretaries would tell you YB have urgent meetings to atted. People`s repeated appeals have gone into deaf ears and we could only see the BN leaders when election is around the conner. You can only meet them once in 5 years time.
At this moment, we have no intention to rub salts into wounds. We just want to point out the mistakes made by the BN, hoping that the alternative coalition won`t repeat the same mistakes committed by BN leaders.The alternative coalition must prove to Malaysians that they are trustworthy, clean and efficient. All the elected MPs or state assemblymen from the alternative coalition must distance themselves from corruptions and abuse of power. On top of that , they must be approachable. Otherwise they would be voted out of power in the next 5 years.

Also, the alternative front should change their mindset. Now that they are in power. They should avoid talking sensitives issues like NEP publicly.They need to be united. If they quarrel among themselves or talk or do something impulsive or emotional, they are bound to lose people`s support and confidence. People are judging their every move. At the same time they should go all out to woo foreign investors to their respective states to boost the state`s economy and raise standard of living of all the people regardless race, religion and culture. We also hope that PAs will not enbark on islamic laws to scare away potential investors.

Now that people have made their decisions. Although the election`s results are disastrous to BN, but it is good for the nation in the long run. When there is a check and balance in power , corruptions and abuse of power will be less rampant. We now gear towards bipartisan rule such as the one in America. It is heartening to see that Malaysia is more democratic then before.

In that respect, we must be grateful to some of the open minded leaders of BN such as prime minister Pak Lah and the former chief minister of Penang, professor Koh Tsu Koon.They publicly accept the defeat and they are gentleman enough to make smooth transition of power possible. We are deeply moved to see mr Koh Tsu Koon to appeal to people to stay calm and he was the first BN leader to call for press conference to announce the defeat of his state government. His kind gesture towards the opposition parties is very much appreciated and all BN leaders should behave like mr Koh who is friendly, approachable and always placed the interest of all races first in his agendas. Though Gerakan was almost fully wiped out, mr Koh has never blamed the people. He accepts the defeat and he is willing to shoulder all responsiblities for the defeat though it is not his fault.

Last but not least, we hope that the losers will not take drastic measures to destabilse the present situations. We also hope that the alternative coalition talk and act wisely so that they will not give any chance to any undesirable elements or groups to stir up racial sentiments. In politic you win some and you lose some. We are practising democracy and every body must respect laws.And I think Pak Lah has the wisdom to ensure the stability of the nation. Only then we can expect the nation to prosper and move forward.

Look Far, Think Twice Before You Talk Or Act‏

Dear leaders of DAP, I am writing to you to give you a little bit of advise. I ask myself a question. Who am I to adviise you? But still, as a patriotic Malaysian , I think I am duty bound to point out something which is wrong and I sincerely hope all DAP leaders, great or small , will listen. The BN leaders failed to listen to the voice of the people. Consequently they are rejected by the people. You see, people have given DAP, Keadilan and Pas a chance to rule Perak, Kelantan, Kedah, Penang and Selangor. The Malaysians vote you in regardless race, culture or religion. People want the three parties to form a coalition. The Chinese are no more fearful of Pas and the Malays are no longer fearful of DAP. This is something encouraging after 50 years of independence. People want the three parties to cooperate and work closely for the betterment of Malaysians regardless race and religion. And if the Barisan Alternative could prove that they are trustworty, clean, efficient and really work for the bright future of Malaysia, I am positive that the rakyat will give all of you a greater power to rule the whole nation. Unfortunately, what we see is not a united Barisan Alternative. We see that you quarrer among yourself over the appointment of Menteri Besar, State Councillors and other seats. It is disappointing and disheartening. If you cannot cooperate and negotiate to sort things out, how can you rule the states or the country? If you all are interested only about the seats and the posts, what is the difference between you and Barisan National?At least BN did not quarrer so much as you do. Becase of internal disputes, Perak Menteri Besar has yet to be appointed. It is dangerous. It would be the interest of all of you for the Menteri Besar to be appointed as soon as possible. The more you quarrel the more you are likely to lose Perak as some state assemblymen could be bought over by Barisan.For God`s sake, please negotiate fast and settle down to hard work before you lose your power back to BN again.People give you a chance. Do not disappoint the rakyat. If you can`t cooperate among yourself, aren`t you worst than BN?Please dont let people get fed up with tne unecessary disputes. Otherwise you will be thrown out of power like what MCA, Gerakan Mic and Umno are experiencing now. Chinese rather vote the Pas than voting BN. So do not fear about pas. If Pas dare to implement Hukum Hudud, let people decide.If people dont accept Hukum Hudud, Pas would be out of political arena. So DAP leaders, do not fear the Pas image. Form a pact immediatedly. Now that you are in power. Don`t be impulsive when you talk or act. Think far and look far. Imagine that you are the prime minister already. Do not be emotional like asking assemblymen to boycot ceremonails. Do not talk something sensitive. Do more but talk less. If you lack experience, do consult gentlemen like former chief minister Koh Tsu koon.Do not talk about abolising NEP. But act in a wise way. Consult God for wisdom when you talk or act.Don`t portray yourself as an aggressive opposition leaders anymore. Imagine that you are Mr. Bush now, who is working for the benefit of all rakyats.When you bring in sensitive things, you are committing suicide because the BN controlled mass media are waiting to blow them out of proportion and the extremists are waiting for the chance to blow the issues out. You will be in great trouble and you won`t have the time and energy to run an effective administration. Place the interest of all races first in all your agenda. Show to the people that Pas, Keadilan and Pas could be strongly united and leaders from the three parties should have monthly meeting to trash out any disputes or differences. Don`t, forget, the three parties belong to the same family. If you are united and work harmoniously ,the voters may let you rule the whole nation in the next five years. But on the otherhand, if you keep quarrering among yourself, your days in the office are numbered.We are llooking forward for your great success in the next five years.Do not let us down.Thank you very much.

Hypocrates In MCA Brought To THe Downfall Of MCA‏

After Chua Soi Lek stepped down from his minister post due to sex scandals, he appeared to be an hero and now he is giving advise to MCA members how to regroup and how to be united again after the humiliating defeat in the last election. We are not interested in Chua`s sex scandals as this is his personal moral problems. We are more interested in how he and the other MCA leaders help to bring to the downfall of MCA. After Chua Soi Lek relinquished all his posts in MCA , he makes sure that his son is to be nominated as a parliamentary candidate. We would like to ask MCA leaders a question. Is there any proper procedure to nominate a candidate? If Chua could demand that his son be nominated, then the other leaders such as Chua JIh Meng, Lim Ah Lek, Lee Kim Sai , Chan Kong choy and others could also do so.Party posts had become personal property. What a shame. How disastrous it is to the image of MCA! Suppose that Chua`s son was not selected as a candidate. Would senior Chua stage a sabotage? Or would he still go round campaigning for the candidates not of his choice? Chua Soi Lek advised other MCA members to speak up against unjust BN policies. When Hishamuddin was waving his kris, did Chua voice out? Did he register a protest ?Although Chua no longer holds any post in MCA, yet he acts as if he is the de factor leader of MCA in Johore and a national MCA hero . Is it a healthy politic?The senior Chua put pressure to Ong Kar Ting to allow his son to stand as a candidate, did he set a good precedent? A good leader sets a good example. Had Chua set any good example to other MCA leaders as far as his private and public lives are concerned.? So mr, Chua, before you could advise other people to do this and to do that, please look at yourself in front of a mirror. With leaders like Chua ( who are having great influence in MCA,) who do not walk the talk, it is of no surprise that the MCA was badly defeated in the last election. A true Malaysian( please publish using the name :a true Malaysian)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Why BN lose so badly

Everybody has expected BN to lose some seats in this election but nobody expects BN to lose so badly.
I think people want to change due to many factors such as:

1) Rising prices
2) Corruptionss
3) Immoral practices
4) Unjust policies.

Many chinese are particularly concerned about education opportunities in Malaysia. Many Chinese students who score more than 10 A1 couldn`t get JPA scholarship while government has the money to send astronault to space. My children who get 10 A1 failed to get JPA scholarship despite repeated appeals. I tried to get Ong Kar Ting `s help but he was not available. Then I wanted to see Pak lah but his political secretary told me it was futile to appeal. I am not the only chinese who is disappointed. I am sure many parents have experiences the same nightmares as me.

Lets hope that the BN will wake up. We also hope that the opposition will be more friendly to the people and it formulates policies which are fair to all races. Only then will they have the opportunity to form the next government.