Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lee Kuan Yew Is Intelligent

Lee kuan Yew is one of the most intelligent persons in the world in the sense that he becomes rich not by corruption means but by increasing his salary and bonuses. His cabinet members did the same.Lee is one of the highest paid politicians in the world, if not the highest.

But the other world leaders are stupid. They should have learned from Lee kuan Yew to make themselves rich. Instead, they indulge in corruptions. Had these corrupt leaders learnt from Lee, they would be as rich and as powerful as Lee. And they can get praise from the world as what Lee is enjoying now.

Only Christianity could save China

The Chinese moral values have been totally uprooted by the devil Mao Zedong.
Today, most Chinese in the mainland China have no moral values. The women, in their quest to be rich, come to Malaysia and other parts in the world to indulge themselves in immoral jobs and the Chinese males would indulge in immoral business such as production of poisonous toys, milk and some other harmful items.
You see other countries have also got poor people but they do not get involved in inmoral activities.
Mwanwhile, the Chinese leaders are not ashamed of what the Chinese are doing. Hu Jintao and the rest of communist leaders, meanwhile , are" glad " to sell the rights of China islands and oil fields to Japan and China`s neighbours. When the Chinese have got no morals, they don`t know what shame is and they do all sorts of things to please themselves but the outcome is disastrous. When the China`s products are contaiminated , they cannot sell anymore and finally China`s economy will go down the drain.They will be unemployments and the CHinese will suffer.
The only way to save China is by allowing more Christian missionaries to enter China to instil moral values in the hearts of all the people. This will have profound effects. On one hand, the terrorists` idealogy in Tibet and Sinkiang would be capped and would not find market. On the other hand the Chinese would lead a new life and when the hearts of all the people are cleansed, a new nation is born. Then we can see the future of a strong and prosperous China which is free from sins or corruptions such as those practised by the Chinese now.

We want to see a China with hope, not a corrupt and sinful China

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Abdullah Does Not Have Good Advisors

It is important for a capable leader to have good advisors. These advisors must not only advise Abdullah on important issues but they must also have the capabilities to deal with political enemies effectively.
When Abdullah has to cowtow to demands from the UMNO leaders, it is the beginning of the end of his power. His days are numbered.

Abdullah Does Not Have Good Adisors.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why Abdullah Has Lost The Support

Abdullah is a soft leader who does not how to use his power. Instead of using ISA against those UMNO leaders who constantly persuade him to step down, he uses ISA on the wrong person like reporter Tan, Teresa Kok and Petra Raja who do not pose any threat to him at all. He also does not know how to mobilise his supporters to launch counter attack on his political enemies. Had Abdullah learnt from former prime minister Mahathir or Lee Kuan Yew, he would not be forced to step down so early.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do not be boastful

Anwar has learnt a bitter lesson. He was ove rconfident that he would be able to take over the power but he failed many times. Anwar should learn to be more humble in future. He should not over promise but under deliver

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The ACA must go after the big fish

It is regrettable to note that ACA is only after some small fish but it does not dare to go after the big fish.
There are reports that some former ministers, deputy ministers , MPs and councillors are involved in one form of corruption or another. But the ACA fails to prosecute them , with the excuse that there is no evidence.

It is easy to get the evidence. First, what ACA should do is to check their income and then their properties such as lands, bungalows, houses, shops , plantations, cash , shares and cars they have. IF their income does not tally with their net assets, then their wealth is gathered through corruptions.

But the ACA is not free to investigate. ACA cannot get people`s respect if it only knows how to catch small fish but let go the big fish.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Charge the corrupt government officers

In the wake of MCA election, poison letters indicate that a former MCA minister is involved in corruptions.

The ACA should investigate and regardless of who he is, prosecute him in courts if there is enough evidence to show that he really was involved in corruptions.

The ACA should not be seemed to arrest small fish. The ACA should go after the big fish to show that it means business. ACA, don`t be a toothless tiger!

Obama Set To Become President

It is of interest to note that the new generation of Americans are willing to accept the coloured to be the president. This is something good.
Hopefully the Asian immigrants have also the chance to be future president of USA

Friday, September 19, 2008

With Poison From China

It is with much regret to note that products from China are usually not safe to be used or consumed. Something is very wrong with China

With poison From China

China`s products cannot be marketed nowadays because many of their products are contaiminated with poison or harmful materials which can cause health hazards.
The old Chinese character of product has a word growth or produce in it . But Mao Zedong simplified the Chinese characters. The simplified version of product does not have growth or produce in it. Also the simplified version of the Chinese character of factory is a total emptiness. All these new simplified versions of Chinese characters tell us that the China`s factories are empty . So from now on, Most China`s factories will be either closed down or they are simply empty.

The Mao`s evil spirit is haunting China. Unti land unless China burns all statues of Mao, communist China will be heading towards disasters.

With poison From China

China`s products cannot be marketed nowadays because many of their products are contaiminated with poison or harmful materials which can cause health hazards.
The old Chinese character of product has a word growth or produce in it . But Mao Zedong simplified the Chinese characters. The simplified version of product does not have growth or produce in it. Also the simplified version of the Chinese character of factory is a total emptiness. All these new simplified versions of Chinese characters tell us that the China`s factories are empty . So from now on, Most China`s factories will be either closed down or they are simply empty.

The Mao`s evil spirit is haunting China. Unti land unless China burns all statues of Mao, communist China will be heading towards disasters.

Vote Out The Immoral Politicians

Of late, many immoral politicians(those who involve themselves in immoral sex scandals, corruptions abuse of power and cheating people`s money and land) want to contest high positions in both MCA and UMNO.They are dieing to be minister, president , deputy president or high ranking government officers . They want to be multimillionairs

The delegates must ensure that these immoral politicians are voted out. If not, these leaders would use crooked ways to gather wealth for their own comfort and they would cheat the party, members, public and the nation to gather wealth. Then all of us become poor and the nation becomes poor but they will be firty rich. These immoral leaders would think of all sorts of ways to increase toll fare, petrol price , taxes and whatnot. They would be living in bungalows. What they do everyday is to give speech here and there, have media sessions, opening ceremonies for the rich and influential and release news to the media to publish. They could show off their face everyday and portray themselves as heroes. Privately they would keep mistresses, go to the same hotel and the same room for the same purpose that only they know best.
Meanwhile you and me will suffer because we have to work like slaves to give them money indirectly to upkeep their costly habits such as oversea trips, golf games , buying jewelry for their loved ones and even sending money oversea for the purpose of money laundering.
Dear voters, haven`t you got enough sufferings for the past fifty years? Everyday we work like donkey but we cant make enough to lead a quality life. We are caught in jams daily, pay high toll fares, petrol prices and other taxes. Where did the money go.? Please go to visit the present ministers, former ministers, present MPs and the former MPs. You see what sort of house they stay, what sort of car they drive and how they enjoy life without working while millions of Malaysians work like slaves to pay taxes for them to enjoy. They are the parasites of the society.
Ladies and gentlemen, don`t listen to these immoral politicians`s sweet promises. Everyday they would tell you the same thing, that is they are willing to serve the people and the nation but actually what they actually served is their own pockets. Tell me which minister or former minister is poor? Only Nik Aziz stay in a hut. The rest of the corrupt politicians all live in bungalows with maids , drivers and bodyguards.

So wake up brothers. Do not believe in the immoral politicians. If you believe them , you and your future generations must pay a high price for it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teresa Kok Is Innocent.

It is with much regret to note that the government used ISA to arrest Teresa kok. Teresa had denied that she had said anything sensitive or did anything to go against another religion. Khir Toyo , in his quest to take personal revenge against Teresa, had simply cooked up stories that Teresa went to a mosque and instructed the mosque not to use loudspeakers.Teresa had repeatedly denied that she did such a thing. How can government take action against Teresa based on hearsay ?Why didn`t the government investigate the fact first?

For rule of law and democracy to prevail. we hope the government would release Teresa , Raja Petra and others who are arrested under ISA.

Teresa Kok Is Innocent.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Can 916 happen?

Personally i would think it is not possible for 916 to happen because Anwar does not do things in secretive ways. He likes to blow trumpets and gives enough time to BN to counter react. Had Anwar done things quietly, 916 would really happen. Now it is not possible.

However , nothing is impossible in the future. As many people are unhappy with the BN leaders , either because of sex scandals or corruptions or abuse of power, it is very likely change of government might take place. But it could be in the next election

The poisonous milk powder from China

It is with much regret to note that China exports poisonous milk powder to other countries. Even the babies in China became the victims of the poisonous milk powder.
There are two possibilities. The first is enemies of China sabotaged China`s products and they send in spies to China to put poison in some of the important products that China exports.The second possibility is that the manufacturers are negligent or are quilty to reap good profits by blending substandard materials or harmful materials into the products. The latter seemed to be more probable.

In either case, the China`s government should be responsible for it has the responsibility to check the quality of all the products manufactured in China. Mao Zedong had destroyed moral values of the present generation. The present generation fears no God. What the people want is quick profit and as long as they get reap good profit, they do not care for the lives of others, including the lives of the innocent babies.

What is China`s government doing? What happened to the authority that is supposed to check the quality of all the products and why they failed to ensure the quality of the product before China`s produce are exported? Corruption is the answer. The China communist party is so corrupt that most of the officials are blinded by the money paid by the manufacturers or the exporters. This is bad for the nation for no consumers will trust the produce of China anymore.

If Hu Jintao is a capable leader, he should ensure that his officials are not corrupt. Corruption cannot be delt with by severe punishment alone. It needs to be tackled at the roots through religion and education. In this respect, the China government should allow more christian groups to preach gospels in China. The present generation of China fears no God and they can do anything to become rich.Hence , the only way to solve these evils committed by the sinners is to clease thier hearts. Otherwise China`s future would be gloomy.

Now nobody would buy products from China anymore. If the communist government is not doing anything to restore the consumers` confidence, China`s economy will be seriously affected.

Repent, before it is too late.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lee kuan Yew refuses to let go power

Lee kuan Yew had just celebrated his 85th birthday.He should tell others how he managed to live such a long life. He said that as long as he is healthy, he wants to be a guardian of Singapore. Simply put, Lee kuan Yew refuses to let go of his power. Power could make a person crazy and many people are crazy for power.

There is one thing Lee Kuan Yew should know. That Singapore`s succeess was not due to Lee kuan Yew alone but due to the hardwork of all Singaporeans. By governing Singapore with iron fists for so many decades, Lee had almost destroyed Singapore because the present generation of Singaporeans could not make decisions of their own. They wait for the instructions of Lee. Had Lee not brought in talented people from all parts of the world into Singapore, Singapore would not have a bright future.

Lee Kuan Yew and his cabinet are not corrupt. There is no doubt about that. But Lee and his cabinet members are intelligent to raise their salary high enough that no contemporaries from other nations could be as rich as Lee. We must commend that Lee is indeed intelligent. while other world leaders gather money through corrupt means, Lee and his successors need not do so.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Anwar should close his big mouth.

Anwar is making too much promises nowadays. He could have succeded in changing the government had he done things quietly.

He talked too much. His every move is made known to his political enemies. And the political enemies had taken precautions to avoid the toppling of the present government. Anwar does not know Sun Tze art of warfare.He should study Sun Tze art of warfare.

Enjoying In Taiwan Using Taxpayers` Money

I feel disgusted to see 49 BN MPs leaving to Taiwan in the name of " Studying Agriculture".
The Mps are actually wasting taxpayers money. Although these MPs deny they are not using taxpayers money( they claim that they are using their own money) , they are actually lieing and most politicians, if not all , are liars. Like father like son. If a father politician lies to rakyat, daughters, sons, relatives of the politician are bound to tell lies.

Lim kit Siang said that he got reliable information that each of the forty nine MPs who went to Taiwan was paid rm 500000. That is a large sum of money. The person who paid this money must have obtained the money by illegal means or through corruptions. We hope the ACA will immediatedly investigate all the MPs who are paid to go for this "study tour". Above all , the ACA must investigate the person who handed out the money.

In fact, the government need not have to spend the huge sum of money. The government can engage an agricultural expert from Taiwan to give a talk to all the MPs in the parliament.This only costs less than rm. 50,000. By sending 49 MPs to Taiwan, millions of ringgits go down the drain. Years of good money wasted.

What the government should do is to safeguard the public money and take care the welfare of all the people. Then people might still give BN a chance to rule till the next election.
By wasting the money this way, the government had fallen into the trap of Anwar. While the MPs become rich overnight,people are getting poorer. We must make sure that those MPs who abuse taxpayers `money and whose intention is to become rich by joining politics would be voted out in the next election.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Testing only

Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain has made a costly mistake

It is not wise for McCain to choose Palin, a senator who is full of scandals. Though young Americans do not bother about personal scandals, the old generation, particularly the staunch christians may not like Palin. So McCain has made a serious mistake in choosing Palin. I think it is difficult for mcCain to win the presidential election

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Useless China Government

The China government is so afraid of Japan that it has to let the Japanese to share whatever resources China has in the Eastern Sea, Diau Yu islands and the Spratly`s islands.China is willing to sell all its rights, especially the right of the oil fields.

Having shown off in the olympics games, China owes billions, if not trillions of dollars. Its economy has changed from bad to worse. Meanwhile, the China leaders have no solutions to boost its weakening economy. While the people suffer, the communist leaders live a luxurious life.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The useless government of China is so afraid of its neighbours that it does not mind to share whatever resources with its enemy. what a shame!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

McCain has made a costly mistake

McCain is so stupid that he chooses a controversial lady deputy who is tainted with scandals. The Obama camp is already leading. With such adverse scandals, it is quite certain that McCain would lose to Obama with big margin.
Only God can save mcCain now.

The Useless China Government

The China government is the most foolish government in the world. It claims to own the Diau Yu islands, Eastern Sea and Spratly islands. But the Chinese leaders are a bunch of cowards. They are so scared of Japan and other neighbouring countries that they have to let go the rights of those islands or sea that they claim.They cowtow to the Japan and are willing to let the Japan to have the rights of the oil field in those regions mentioned above.
If you own some properties and you are the legal owner of the properties, would you want to share the properties with your neighbours? I am sure your answer is no. But the useless China government is willing to sell all the rights of China.
The glory of Olympics is overshadowed by the foolishness of China government to sell its own rights to its enemy.