Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Obama Is So Popular

In America , you must be young, handsome and charismatic to be popular. You also must be a good orator. Obama has the above qualities while McCain is too old and ugly to attract the young voters.. Obama can sweet talk while McCain can`t do that. Above all , the current economic downturn will help Obama to win the hearts of all the Americans who are badly hit by Bush`s poor economic policy. McCain is also foolish enough to select Palin to be his deputy. The battle is lost. The Americans are ready for a black president

American Dream

In America, it does not matter you are black, yellow or white. As long as you are hardworking and ambitious, you can be as successful as Obama. It is a nice and wonderful country. It is a God blessed country. It is a country filled with milk and honey.

If you dare to dream, go to America

Obama can bring change to the whole world

If Obama can bring change to America, sure he will bring change to the whole world. Now the dictators and tyrants of the world are worried that the wind of change will sweep them outr of power

Obama Is The Most Powerful Man In The World

As America is the most powerful nation in the world, Obama naturally becomes the most powerful president -elect of the world. For the next few years, Obama`s name will be heard by all the people in the world. Whether he will be the most famous black president in the history of America depends on his ability to tackle the economic issues in US and his ability to end the wars in the middle east

ACA must catch the big fish

ACA had been catching a lot of small fish and the big fish are still free to roam around.
We hope ACA will immediatedly investigate present and former ministers who had acquired unaccounted wealth.ACA should have its initiative to investigate. It should not wait for people to make a police report first. ACA should also investigate the money politics , particularly those in MCA and in UMNO. It is time for ACA to show its true colour

Abdullah Is too Weak

It is unfortunate to see that Abdullah is forced to step down in march 2009. Though many people do not like Abdullah, he did manage to bring more freedom and democracy to Malaysia.

We just hope that from now on Abdullah can concentrate on his unfinished jobs such as judiciary reforms, police reforms and empowering the ACA with more power.

If Abdullah can make Malaysia thr most democratic country in Asia, he would be remembered forever.

Buying Helicopter Without Testing?

It is interesting to hear that Malaysia wishes to buy Eurocopter without testing. Even if you were to buy a car , you would also want to test first. Wouldn`t you? When some people got too much power to do whatever they like, such as in communist China, all the people have to suffer.

Greeds Brings The Downfall Of The World`s Economic System

Pure greeds causes the banks and ING to lend money indiscriminately and when people cannot afford to pay back loans, the disaster starts. The banking and financial system must develope a regulation system to protect its reserves and the money of investors.It is a shame that America, being a rich and powerful country, faces financial meltdown.

The Americans must repent for what they do and act fast to install precautions in banking system so that it won`t repeat the same mistake it makes now.

Why Obama Is so popular?

In America , you must be young, handsome and charismatic to be popular. You also must be a good orator. Obama has the above qualities while McCain is too old and ugly to attract the young voters.. Obama can sweet talk while McCain can`t do that. Above all , the current economic downturn will help Obama to win the hearts of all the Americans who are badly hit by Bush`s poor economic policy. McCain is also foolish enough to select Palin to be his deputy. The battle is lost. The Americans are ready for a black president

Why Ong Kar Chuan Lost?

It is not surprising that Ong Kar Chuan lost to Chuah Soi Lek in the contest of deputy president post of MCA because he was overconfident.
Ong Kar Chuan, did not exploit the sex scandal issue of Chuah Soi Lek and the other reason why the unexpected one wins is because of money politics which is rampant in MCA.

The delegates voted blindly and they have to pay a high price. Who is going to support a party led by immoral leader? Let us wait for the next general election to see whether Chinese can accept an immoral leader to lead them.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Immoral Leader Leads The Immoral Delegates IN MCA

It was a surprise that an immoral leader of MCA who was involved in sex DVD scandals is now elected as the deputy president of MCA. The delegates did not care whether a leader is immoral or not. What they are more interested is power and money.
I think MCA is now heading for self destruction. If a leader has immoral value, he would not be shameful to commit all sorts of sins such as telling lies, bribery, corruption and abuse of power. Unless the Chinese community could accept an immoral leader in MCA, I think MCA will suffer humiliating loss in the next general election.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

America Should punish the culprits

America is well known for free markets and capitalism. But now she is ruined by subprime problems and America is heading for recession.
The Amrican government must punish those silly regulators in banks and in AIG who failed to carry out their duties. If the actual culprits are not severely punished, history would repeat itself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

China Is A Paper Tiger

China`s Shanghai index has dropped about 70 percent and still dropping. Its products are not safe to consume or use and its leaders are foolish not to allow any form of democracy or freedom.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. China will have to pay a heavy price for all the poisonous things including the poisonous communist idealogy produced in China. The evil ones will perish in China. Repent, Hu Jin tao. Or else China will be doomed

Friday, October 10, 2008

Palin Is A Burden To Republican

It was a great mistake for McCain to Choose Palin as his running mate. In fact it was foolish for McCain should have known that Palin is a woman who is controversial in so many issues including the abuse of power while she was a Alaska senator. Her hobby of hunting animails will cause her to lose a lot of votes.
If McCain were to lose, it is because he has to pay a high price for not choosing a creditable running mate.

Pak Lah Has lost His Fighting Spirit

It is regretable to hear that PAk Lah has decided not to contest his presidential post and he is going to relinquish his presidential post to his deputy Najib next March. He is stepping down next March.

In a democratic party, no body can force a leader to stepdown except the rakyat. Only the rakyats have the supreme power. Party leaders have got no constitutional rights to force a leader to step down.
Since Pak Lah has promised to revamp some reforms such as judiciary reforms, police commission reforms and others, he has to deliver his promises before he steps down. Otherwise he would fail in his capacity as a prime minister.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why Security Commission Did Not Take Action Against The Corrupt Company Directors.?

Many company directors are cheating small investors` money.One of these company is komark, a second board company.. Though its pre tax revenue is high yearly , the company did not declare dividends for the last few years. And its share price is as low as 20 cts. Sure a lot of cheatings have taken place.The company directors, meanwhile, keep increasing their yearly salaries, bonus and other benefits. Small investors are being cheated.

The security commission must investigate on their own initiatives. They don`t need the investors to make report first before they take action. It is the duty of Bursa saham and security commission to protect small investors and charge the dishonest directors in courts.If the security commission can`t protect the interests of small investors, Malaysian shares are not worth investing at all.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Only God Could save McCain

The presidential election is just couples of weeks away with Obama leading and McCain is far behind.
McCain has made a great mistake in choosing Palin as his running mate . Now he has to pay a heavy price for it.Palin is not suitable to be a vice president as she has a shallow knowledge about the world`s politics.

It looks like Obama is the president in waiting for sure. Only God could save McCain. The only way for McCain to do is to pray sincerely , 24 hours a day

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Survival Of The Fittest

I don`t believe in Darwin`s theory of evolution.It is impossible for an ape to turn into a human being. But I do believe his theory of Survival of the fittest. You see, in this world there are lots of people who live comfortably, with great wealth and power. But at the same time, there are billions of people who live in poverty, destitute, sickness and they suffer tremendously. Many could not face the challenge and difficulties of life and they cut short their lives by means of one way or another.The rich and the powerful survive while the weak and the poor perish.

It is the duty of government of each nation to take care of these unfortunate people. But many governments in the world would not spend money to help the poor and destitute. They rather spend money on luxurious things where they can show off themselves. For example, the China`s government would rather spend billions of dollars in the Beijing Olympics but they would spend little or none to help the poor.

Therefore, the poor people of each nation should unite and demand their rights to survive. They must do something to change the governments that oppress them. They must fight for their survival. It is better for the poor Chinese to die in the prisons rather than die of hunger, starvation, sickness, tainted milk , earthquake , abuse of power and disease.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Demise Of A singapore Political Hero

He just passed away. He dared to challenge the power of Lee kuan Yew and PAP. He had been jailed and declared bankrupt many times for his political idealogy. But he was not afraid. He had a fighting spirit. He wanted to create a free and democratic Singapore. Though he failed many times he continued to struggle He is none other than Jeyaretnam, a respected Singapore politician who sacrificed his entire life for the betterment of others. The world should be proud of him.His contributions towards human right , freedom and democracy will be remembered forever.

Now that he is gone. We hope the Singaporeans will remember him and hopefully some young and brave Singaporeans will continue to pursue Jeyaretnam`s unfinished path and dreams