Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Set Up A Speaker Corner

Though Najib has done quite a lot to reform the economic policy and abolishing the quata of 30 percent of the Bumi shares, there is not much to shout about if there is not much improvement in freedom, expression of speech and democracy.

Even the authoritatative Singapore allows the people to speak up in speaker`s corner. If Najib is serious in improving the freedom of the country, set up a spaeker corner and allow the people to voice out their opinions. If Najib and his administration do not allow people to express their feelings, then BN will never know what the people want. This will not be good to BN.

There are so many acts to control the speech. So the government need not worry people make seditious speech.

Can PR form the next government?

Nowadays, most Malaysians are interested to know whether PR can form the next government. My answer is yes and no. Yes if the PR works in a smart way and be united and forms a strong coalition such as that of BN. No if the PR quarrels among themselves such as in the case of unity government as proposed by the PAS conservatives.

At this moment, it is unfortunate that the PR is not selling the idea of two party system. The PR should be united as though it is a party and the BN another party. The PR should now start campaigning for a two party system in Malaysia and let all Malaysians know the advantages of two party system as compared to a ruling party dominated by BN only. Once the voters buy the idea of a two party system, then the PR stads a good chance to win in the next general election.

Also, it is important that PAS adopts a liberal and open approach in all issues pertaining to politics, education, religion and economy. From now on, if PAS is still bent on creating an islamic state, then the chance of PR forming the next government will almost be nil.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gentlemen, Your Contributions To PR Are Not Futile

The PR can get such a big support in the March 8 elections is not due to the fact that PR itself is great and mighty but rather due to poor image of former minister, deputy minister and other high ranking officers of BN.

These people who had contributed to the victory of PR include Khir Toyo, the late Zakaria, Ling Leong Sik, Chan Kwong Choi, Choi Soi Lek, Mahathir , MP of Bintulu, Mr Diong and many others. what had they done? Please ask them. Of course they will tell you they had done nothing wrong and that they are loyal to people and to the country. But do go and read newspapers` report about what they had done. Then you know why BN lost the support and even the PAS got supports from the Chinese.

Gentlemen, if one day the PR were to form the next government, your contributions will be very much appreciated. I suggest the PR prime minister give all of you the highest awards.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Violations Of Human Rights In China

It is shameful for the communist government to violate human rights in China in the 21 st century.

The authoritative government of China does not allow people to voice out in any way. Thus, dissidents, human rigjt lawyers and groups are arrested, tortured or even killed in the prisons.

The present communist government is as notorious as the feudal emperors of the past.

The world, particularly the US and the UN must do something to stop tyrants of China from persecuting its own people.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can Obama Liberate The Suppressed People Of The World?

About a couple of centuries ago, Abraham Lincoln liberated the slaves of America.

Today, there remains billions of people who are enslaved by their authoritative governments. These include Chinese in mainland China, North koreans, Iranians , Cubans and many other races.

Obama has a hugh and difficult task. On one hand he needs to be friendly to all dictators but on the other hand, he has the obligation to liberate the political slaves. Let see whether Obama can do something to change the world.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why Nobody Is Responsible for the PKFZ scandal?

In many advanced countries, when ministers, former ministers or any government officers are involved in any scandals, they would resign, or got charged in courts and imprisoned. The former Korea president had even committed suicide because he was charged for corruption and the former president of Taiwan, Chen Shui Bian , has been imprisoned.

But in Malaysia, when billions of dollars are swinddled, such as in the case of PKFZ, nobody is held responsible. All the culprits involved denied any wrong doing. And when government has to bail PKFZ out, it has to raise all sorts of taxes including quit rent. So at the end of the day, people , but not the culprits, are being punished.

If this is the common way of the ruling party to deal with corruptions , abuse of power and scandals, then we rakyat must be wise which party to vote in the next general election.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father`s Day

President Obama and the first lady of America sent greetings to the world`s father to wish them happy father`s day. They are lovely couple who deserved to be respected by the world. I personally received greetings from Mr. president Obama and the first lady Michelle.

I also do wish I can greet my late father happy father`s day .But he is no longer around. My late father is a great man . He works hard to provide for my poor family. He passed away on 3rd July 2004. I missed him very much.

My late father sacrificed for the welfare of me, my brothers and my sisters. He worked from 4 am till 8 pm. I can imagine how much he had suffered.

I felf guity because I did not spend much time with my father in his old age due to my hectic life. I am glad that my father adopted christianity at his old age.

I am proud to have a loving father. For those of you who still have parents, spend more time with them. Provide them with what they want and love them before they leave this world.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father`s Day

I was deeply moved when I received happy father`s day greeting from the first lady of America . I believe she also sent emails to millions of fathers throughout the world. I understand now why Obama and his wife deserve to be the most honorable man and woman of the world. And I understand now why Obama won the prersidential election . He won for the simple reason that he loves his father, his mother and his family which not many Americans are practising.

Confucious and the bible teach as to respect our parents, to love our own brothers. But sometimes in life, we fail to do what the bible teaches.

For example, I failed to be a good son and father because i did not provide the best to my late father when he was alive. And I did not give my children the best when I ought to.

My father was a great man for he provided my family with everything we needed though he was very poor. He had to work from as early as 4 am ( to tap rubber) and as late as 8 or 9 pm ( working as farmer)

When my father was old and lonely, I did not spend time to be with him due to my hectic life. I was sinful and I regret very much. I just wish the time can be reversed and that I could spend valuable time with my father again but now everything is too late.

But I felt relieved when my father adopted christianity. And I strongly believe the merciful God has already taken back my late father, my late grandparents and my late brother home. As christian, at least there is hope that we can be reunited one day.

To those of you who still have parents, do spend more time with your parents and with your children. Money comes and goes but once your parents are no longer around, no amount of money can buy a single minute of joy of a happy family

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chua Soi Lek Set A Trap For DAP

The deputy president of MCA, who earlier relinquished all his posts due to sex scandals, wants to set a trap for DAP when he proposed a unity talk between MCA and DAP. What unity talk? The chinese are asking for a two party system, not a unity government.

Having been sidelined by Ong Tee kiat, Chua wants to show that he is a talented person who can set a ploy for DAP and PR. Fortunately the DAP leaders like Lim kit Siang is wise enough to reject the unity talk outright. If DAP falls into trap of evil Chua, not only will there be tension among races, the PR also faces an imminent split.

The DAP should not be too kind to immoral person. If DAP is soft hearted and do not hit back at evil person or persons, one day DAP might be lured into traps set up by people like Chua SOi Lek.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

There is a split of opinion whether former communist leader , Chin Peng, should be allowed back to Malaysia . Actually , it makes no difference for communism is already dead. The communists committed political suicides few decades ago when tyrants such as Mao Zedong, Pol Pot , Lenin, Stalin and other dictators killed millions of their own race. The communists are worst than nazis since they killed ther own countrymen whereas nazis killed other races.

There is no more place for communism in the world anymore. A former communist leader wants to settle in a democratic country? Why not let him stay in Malaysia to show to the world that communist leader decides to choose a democratic Malaysia to stay but not communist China?

Communism is dead. Don`t worry about Chin peng and his comrades. when communists decide to settle in a democratic country, it is a proof that they themselves do not believe in communism anymore.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hadi And Nasharuddin Have Fallen Into Trap Of UMNO

Hadi and Nasharuddin are so naive that they believe UMNO is really interested in forming a unity government with PAS. Hadi better reads Sn Tze art of warfare. Hadi and his son are too childish to believe what Najib said. Politics is a game that Hadi must learn how to play. PAS veteran , Nik Aziz was furious with Nasharuddin and asked him to leave PAS and join UMNO. He accused Nasharuddin as a puppet of UMNO. Nasharuddin felt quilty and shameful so he went hiding these few days.

If Hadi and his son insist on forming a unity government, PAS will split and the PR will split. The gainer will be UMNO and the BN.And the loser will be all Malaysians.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

China Has A Long Way To Go

i just came back from shenchen , Guanchou few days ago. I also went to Macau and Hongkong for a trip. To many people, China has progressed a lot but if you go to China , you will know the actual scenario.It is dirty, crowded , disorderly and noisy. But Hongkong and Macau are clean and beautiful.

While the Chinese are living in a dirty environment, its government is spending billions of dollars to save other countries. iI think it is advisable for the China government to spend the money to make China clean and pollution free first before trying to help other countries. Welfare begins at home. If China government fails to make China a clean and healthy country, it is very stupid for it to waste money elsewhere.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hadi has changed his mind

Hadi and some conservatives in PAS had avocated for unity government with UMNO. but due to strong criticism from Nik Aziz and many moderates within PAS and also from component parties of PR, Hadi has now changed his mind.He said that he does not know anything about unity government.

In a rare outburst, Nik Aziz accused those people advocating unity government are puppets of UMNO. He was actually referring to Hadi and his son, Nasharuddin.

But the damage has been done. Many people would not trust Hadi anymore for he is not a man of principle.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Democracy Versus Anarchy

The US, though just declared independence few centuries ago, is powerful militarily. China, though founded few thousand years ago, remains backward as far as science and technology are concerned.why?

In a democratic country, the top brains are voted to do the best job. In a authoritative country, stupid people are appointed to do jobs which require brains. So, in countries like China, North Korea, Cuba, Myanmmar and other countries ruled by dictators, there isn`t much progress. while people are starving, the countries mentioned above will spend money in unecessary things such as buying weapons and billions go down the drains due to rampant corruptions.

So, in order for people who are under dictator`s rule to live a decent live, the only way is to educate each other to find ways to end authoritative rules. Only then will people live in peace and in prosperity.

Why Lee Kuan Yew came to Malaysia?

It is odd that Lee kuan Yew came to visit Malaysia. This old man is very smart. He is sensing a change in politics in Malaysia . So he comes to Malaysia , meeting Najib`s wife, opposition figures and some of his old friends, hoping to get some views about the possibility of PR taking over government.

Perhaps, Lee is worried that Singaporeans may learn from Malaysians soon and vote for opposition. So he is thinking of ways how to tackle this problem before he is no more around.

Lee is lucky. After decades of iron rules, Singaporeans do not know how to think. They are grateful to government once they have enough food, money and a decent job.

So , Lee, do not worry, continue to direct and give instructions to Singaporeans. Most Singaporeans and the chinese in the world admire and respect you. you have no regret for your life. Do you?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Unity Government? Day Dreaming !

Hadi and his son Nasaruddin are dreaming of forming a unity government between PAS and UMNO. It is a day dreaming.

The BN has enough problems to tackle . With PAS coming into the picture, there will be more problems . If PAS is willing to join UMNO, please go ahead and join. Don`t dream of forming a unity government.

We wish Hadi and his son all the best. Hopefully both Hadi and his son will be appointed cabinet ministers by Najib

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Forum On PKFZ

Dear readers, there will be a forum on the PKFZ scandal on the 10 june 2009 from 8 pm to 10.30 pm at second floor , Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall at KL. One of the speakers is from DAP, Mr. Lim Kit siang. It is free. All are invited.

This forum will reveal how billions of taxpayers money had gone down the drain due to corruptions.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lee kuan Yew Coming To Malaysia

Lee kuan Yew had ruled Singapore for the last few decades. He is still the most influential , if not most powerful figure of Singapore. Under his authoritative rule, Singaporeans had no freedom though there is huge progress for Singapore.

Lee had dealt with communists before. He called Singapore a democratic country but it is ruled in the same manner as communist rule because under him, opposition has not much power and many prominent opposition leaders were either arrested or declared bankrupt.

So Lee now comes to Malaysia for eight days. We Malaysians would like to know what doctrines Lee intends to teach Najib.


Nik AZiz of PAS once said," one should not be bitten by the same snake in the same hole twice." he was refering to the unhappy coalition between PAS and UMNO more than a decade ago.

Hadi and his son, Nasarrudin, are more naive. They think that UMNO is a better partner compared to DAP or keadilan. In reality, UMNO is not interested to form a coalition government with PAS. UMNO is more interested in containing or swallowing up PAS. The incident in PERAK whereby Nizar ( from PAS) is toppled and replaced by Zambri from BN is a good example.

I would like to remind Hadi to wrest back the Trengganu government from BN before dreaming to form a coalition government with BN.

It would be advisable for Hadi to study Najib`s mind before he and his son open up their mouths to talk of coalition government with BN. I am sure Najib has no interest to share power with PAS l;eaders. I am sure Najib is more interested in asking PAS to dissolve and join BN.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hadi Is Short sighted

After winning the March 8 elections, some conservative figures of PAS such as Hadi, Nasarudin and the rest become arrogant. They wanted very much to form a coalition government with UMNO, thus ignoring the intention of the non muslim supporters who want BN to be replaced.Hadi had forgotten those people who voted for PAS.

It is foolish for Hadi and his son to push for a coalition government with UMNO. First, the other component parties such as PKR and DAP would not support such idea. Secondly, PAS will lose the support of non muslims who are not interested with the idea of coalition government.

Does Hadi want to be a minister or does he want to be a deputy prime minister or prime minister? If PAS were to join UMNO, the most HADI can demand is some minister posts for some PAS leaders. But if PR were to win in the next general election, Hadi might be the prime minister or the deputy prime minister. As at now, it seems that Hadi and his son Nasarudin and some other short sighted leaders of PAS are interested to become ministers only.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Democracy is the key to a progressive country

America declared independence about two to three centuries ago and yet is is the superpower of the world. The top brains are all in America.

On the contrary, China was founded few thousands years ago but because China was and still is a country ruled by dictators, it cannot progress much. It can`r even build an aircraft carrier though is has been boasting to build one since decades ago. Today, China is ruled by leaders who are not elected by the people and they will then appoint their cronies to be their successor. And these successors may not be the most intelligent people. On the other hand, though Obama might not be the most intelligent person of America, the democratic system enables him to tap the top brains of America or even the world because America has lured the most talented people throught the world to reside in USA.

The only way to get a transparent government that is honest,clean and with integrity is to have a real democratic system.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


USM used to be one of the top universities of Malaysia. But with the latest scandal ( Which deregistered the qualified students for new intake), USM would be demoted to one of the last universities of the world .

It is a serious mistake for USM to issue letters of acceptance and them withdraw them .The person or the people responsibled for this type of mistakes must be sacked.

USM BoLEH! USM BOLEH makes serious mistakes

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama`s soft approach to axis of evil will backfire

Obama is kind hearted to everyone, including tyrants from Iran, North Korea , Cuba and Myammar . But the dictators from these countries now take Obama for granted. The '" great" leader of Korth korea take advantage of America`s soft approach to have more nuclear tests. This is bad for the peace of Asia or the world. The bad news is North korea will not only develope nuclear weapons, it will also export nuclear technology to countries like Iran, Cuba, Venezuala and other countries ruled by dictators.

Obama must be serious in dealing with axis of evils. Otherwise, the world will one day be destroyed by the dictators who will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if there is a major conflict between countries .