Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nik Aziz can see things one hundred years from now

Nik Aziz is angry with some pas leaders including Hadi, Nasarruddin, Hasan Ali and some other pro Umno leaders who advocate unity talk.And he wants to call for an EGM to settle this issue.

Nik Aziz can see things far away because the unity talk takes amunition away from the Pas and it loses its support not only from its own members but also from the non muslims.

Pas should know that it cannot form federal government without the support of non muslims. Pas spiritual leader is intelligent. Mahathir is wary and afraid of him. That is why Mahathir asks him to step down.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Liow must Cooperate with Ong

Liow Tiong Lai must know that he has to work closely with Ong so that Ong is not pushed to coooperate with Chua.

Liow has made a fatal mistake. He should not persuade Ong to step down. He should be more patient. If Ong and Liow quarrel, Chua stands to benefif and both Liow and Ong will lose

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do not try to cover up the real truth about Teoh Beng Hock`s death

The forensic expert from Thailand had disclosed that she is 80 percent sure that Teoh Beng Hock was murdered based on the evidences she had gathered. It is not surprising because almost all Malaysians , regardless of race and religion, believe that he was murdered.

The MACC denied that its officers were involved in the murder of Teoh. It tried to cover up the real truth. It tried to fool the Malaysians by asking and bringing in a lot of foolish and irrelevant evidences such as Teoh`s housemaid, his bank account balance and even tried to ask Teoh`s relative to go for mental check up. It was all rubbish and ridiculous.

The Malaysian forensic experts have lost their integrity and credibility because they had earlier insisted that Teoh commited suicide. These so called forensic experts are not professional in their duties. They are liers who cannot be trusted at all.

A murder is a murder. Do not try to cover up. If our government is sincere about the One Malaysia policy, it should set up a royal commision to find out the muderer or murderes of Teoh and let the laws deal with the murderers concerned, failing which One Malaysia is just another political slogan which has got no meaning and not to be trusted at all.

Lee Kuan Yew invited to the White House

It is odd that after receiving the Nobel peace award Obama decided to invite Lee kuan Yew to the White House. Nobel peace prize is awarded to leaders who advocate peace, human right, freedom and democracy, not dictatorship and authoritative rules.

Is Lee kuan Yew going to give a lecture to Obama teaching him how to rule America using Singapore experience of authoritative rules? Or is Lee coming to teach Obama how to be a leader like him ? Lets see what Obama is going to teach Lee Kuan Yew in return.

Since Obama has just received his Nobel peace prize, it is his duty and obligation to give a lecture to the world`s dictators about democracy, freedom and human right, failing which he should not accept the Nobel peace prize at all. Don`t make Nobel peace award a laughing stock and mockery

Friday, October 23, 2009

Do not support politicians who are without principles.

Now Ong Tee Keat and Chua Soi Lek Patch up their quarrels and they want to be friends again. Ong Tee keat is willing to work with a scandalous partner and Chua wants the power . Both politicians are without principles.

Since MCA are full of evil , immoral and corrupt leaders, the Chinese should distance themselves from MCA. Vote for DAP in the next election to safe guard the interest of Chinese, the community and the country.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Underword in chongching of China

The corrupt communist government allowed underworld to become rampant in big cities of China such as ChongChing.

Many high ranking officers were involved in the corruptions and the underworld. The gansters are so powerful that they can kill anybody they like.

After so many years of tolerance and abuse of power, the communist central government has finally decided to get rid of the underworld. Billions of dollars had been swindled and many innocent people killed and raped.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Communism can only bring disaster to China.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali to all Hindus of the world. May all the Hindus have a prosperous and peaceful newyear.

I have just sent an article entitled " Wise To Hang On" to Star, It is about politics in MCA. I hope the star will publish it next week. Please read the article if it appears in the star next week. Thank you

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good News

It is a good news that Ong Tee Keat stays back and he does not want to resign though his enemies wants him to resign.

Nowadays there aren`t many good politicians around. Ong Tee Keat is a rare good politician. If he resigns, there won`t be any more daring leader who will continue to pursue the PKFZ scandal and there won`t be any more MCA leaders who dare to say no to certain parties. Only Ong Tee keat got the guts. Lets hope that he will do something in MCA to get rid off all immoral and corrupt political leaders in MCA.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

There is no reason for Ong to step down.

As I said before, half of the delegates of MCA are corrupt and immoral people who support immoral Chua and who can easily be bought over by money to betray MCA, the Chinese and even their own family.

These corrupt delegates voted a vote of no confidence against Ong. And these very people, together with Chua, wanted Ong Tee keat to step down to pave way for a new party election so that Chua and his cronies can lead MCA.

Ong Tee Keat is a gentleman. He was over confident. He was also too naive and he believed he could get enough support. What he did not understand was the power of money and bribery. Ong was in MCA so long. It was surprising to note that he did not anticipate money politics in MCA could topple him.

Now that Ong knows how evil and wicked the delegates are. If Ong is a man of gut, he should stay on in MCA to get rid of all evil, immoral and decaying elements in MCA, including Chua and his supporters. If Ong were to step down, the evil forces will joint hand and the MCA will suffer a huge setback. Not only it will be discarded by the Chinese community, it will also be a puppet to another strong and domunant party.

Immoral people will do everything to sell off the rights of Chinese. So Ong, do stay on. The Chinese are behind you. If you step down, Chua would be the happiest person in the world.

There is no reason for Ong to step down.

There is no reason for Ong to step down.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The next decade belongs to America

There are a lot of Chinese who think that the next decade belong to China. They are too naive.
As long as China does not practice democracy and freedom, there is no hope and future. Economic success means nothing. Economic success can`t even prevent the Myammar junta from killing the Chinese. The present dictators of China are simply useless bunch of idiots who do not know that economic power means nothing if there isn`t military power.
absolute power corrupts absolutely. Do not dream that China will be a super power. be realistic. No democracy means no progress.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

MCA EGM`s result confirmed that half of the delegates are immoral people

Slightly more than half the delegates who attended today`s EGM voted against Ong Tee Keat. They cast a vote of no confidence against Ong. Also, they vote to restore back Chua, a leader tainted with sex scandal, to be ordinary member.. But somehow, less than half voted against to reinstate Chua to his deputy president post.

It is very obvious that about half the delegates voted for their self interest( there are rumours that they were paid few thousand each). They could not distinquish between a good leader(like Ong) and a bad leader( like Chua).These delegates would not care whether MCA would close shop or not. They are more interested in their positions, power and money.

I think in the next general election, MCA will lose badly.Lets watch.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Congratulations to Obama

This year the president of America, mr Obama, is awarded Nobel peace price for his relentless efforts to promote the world peace. It is a remarkable event because the world has always perceived that all American presidents like to go to war. But not Obama. He likes peace. He knows peace will bring prosperity, wealth and welfare to the world.

Immoral leader leads the immoral delegates.

About half the total delegates of MCA do not care whether their leader should be clean , moral and with integrity What they are interested is money, position and power. These corrupt delegates should be get rid off in MCA. Otherwise there is no more future for MCA.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Delegates Decide The Future Of MCA

The delegates of MCA are going to choose between Chua Soi Lek and Ong Tee Kiat.

The MCA delegates must not choose a leader who is tainted with sex scandals. If they do that that will be the end of MCA. Let see whether the delegates want to finish off MCA on the 10th October

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Journey Of Life

I alway feel sorry for unfortunate people. Some of them are in big disasters such as financial difficulties. Some suffer from serious illness and worse, some had already passed away.

Everyday, we can see a lot of tragic news about children drowning in pools, about accidents , murders, suicide and so on. Everybody is so busy with one`s life that the news becomes insignificant to us.

But if you were to ponder for a moment, you would deeply sympathize for them or their family members.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thank You for Your Continuous moral support

Dear readers, thank you for reading my blogs and giving comments. Your comments are welcomed and they encourage me to write more.

Please give me suggestions as how to make the blog more interesting. Once again, thank you for spending time to read my blogs.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

In the process of writing a Chinese book titled " As Ling Toh Woon Sees It"

Dear readers , I am in the process of publishing a Chinese book titled " As Ling Toh Woon Sees It" . It will be published latest by year end. I will print only one thousand books initially. If the response is good, i will print more and may consider to translate it to English.

The book is about politics in China , Taiwan, Malaysia and other parts of the world. it also touches on my family. Hope it will get your support. Thank you

The china Grand 60th Anniversary parade

Apparently it was very impressive for the communist China to show off its "advanced weapons" and the colourful dressed women soldiers. And there were plenty of slogans like" Long live Mao Zedong."

However, if the China present leaders have got slight wisdom, they would not try to show off weapons. They should know that their weapons can never compete with that of America.It is foolish to praise tyrant Mao Zedong because he killed millions of Chinese in the Cultural revolution.

Actually, there is nothing for China to show off because it can`t even stop Myammar from killing the Chinese residing in Myammar. The China army, navy or airforce are inferior compared to that of America, Japan and European countries. It is simply foolish to impress others when China `s territories are still occupied by Japan, Russia and other countries.

Showing off weapons are inviting big troubles because the Americans will now treat China as the potential number one enemy. Hu Jintao and other communist leaders are simply foolish and childish

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just Recovered From Sickness

Last week was a busy week for me and I had to complete my project in a rush until I fell sick. Now recovered a bit. Shall continue to write when fully recovered. Thanks