Tuesday, August 31, 2010


After 53 years of merdeka, it is sad to note that some people still play the racial sentiments. When our PM Datuk Najib is promoting the one Malaysia , there are certain quarters try hard to derail it.

Americans have accepted a black ( mr Obama ) to be their president. I wonder when Malaysians can be as open as the Americans.,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Human Being Destroys What God Has Created

God created beautiful creatures, animals , plants and trees. But the greedy human being, in the quest to be rich overnight, clears the trees and the forests, polluting the rivers and the seas, causing millions of animals, fish and beautiful creatures to perish.

The so-called developments must stop immediatedly. Already the temperature is getting hotter everyday. Already so many natural disasters such as floods, droughts, famines, diseases, earthquakes and landslides are occuring in all parts of the world. If the foolish human beings do not repend and stopping cutting down trees , they will eventually destroy themselves. The mother nature will strike back and retaliate.

Repent, or else the price is self destruction.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Malaysia

When Datuk Seri Najib proposed the one Malaysia concept, his intention is to see that all Malaysians are integrated as a single Malaysian race regardless of race, religion or background.

Unfortunately, there are some quarters who are not happy with the one Malaysia concept. They want to derail all the good efforts of Najib.

If the pm is not doing anything to stop the irresponsible elements from derailing his policies, the one Malaysia policy and other good economic policies will suffer a premature death. Foreign investors are not amused with what are happening now in Malaysia.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Death Sentence

Death sentence should be applied on the hardcore criminals who murder, kill , rape and causing death to others with intention, or knowing that what they do would most probably cause death to others, such as arson, robbery and so on.

For other minor crimes, death sentence should not be applied unless the criminals repeat the same crimes over and over again. Education and the religion play a vital role to eradicate crimes.

Death sentence may not be very effective to eradicate crimes. Look at China, though corrupted officials are sentenced to death, there are thousands of communist cadres who are willing to die in order to become rich through illegal ways such as smugglings, abuse of power, money laundering and many other forms of corruptions.

A civilised country feels reluctant to apply capital punishments. Capital punishments should only be carried out sparingly on hardcore criminals who would not repent.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A blessed Ramadan to the the world`s muslims

The month of Ramadan is the month of forgiveness. If the muslims of the Middle east harbour hatred against the US and the West due to misunderstanding, it is time for they to forgive and to move forward . The suicide bombers should stop killing others as well as themselves. It is not good for the peace of the world.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I don`t have very good impression of Lee Kuan Yew but I do respect that he made Singapore clean and orderly.

I went Singapore for two days. Its traffic is smooth, not as congested as in KL. Though it is a small island, it does not simply cut down trees. It still has a lot of trees. But I won`t like to comment on its politics bacause I saw that its newspapers dare not touch much on Singapore`s sensitive issues.I suppose the newspapers dare not talk too much about Singapore`s politics.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

PR must deliver its goods

In the last election, people voted for PR because they wwere angry with BN. Now PR must value the votes given by the people. They should not quarrel among themselves. They should not involve themselves in any irregularity. They must be clean and deliver all their earlier promises. Some of my friends said that they are disappointed by PR. This is a bad sign.
PR should quickly act to improve its image. Issues like closing passage of Komtar building should not recur. Selangor DAP must work hard to project a good and clean image.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Disasters in China

Is is sad to see that so many disasters are happening in China.

It is due to deforestations and damage done to the environment. If China government does not act to protect its environments, more disasters will happen.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get expert to varify the validity of Teoh Beng Hock`s note

The prosecutor claimed that he has TBH`s note written by TBH before his death. That is a surprising news.

To be fair to TBH and his family, it is government`s responsibility to get experts to check the note to see whether it is the immitate one or the geniuene one. The writting on the note should be compared with his writing while he was alive. Many people feel very suspicious of the appearance of the note claimed to be found on TBH`s bag.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dubious Characters

king Martin Luther, Mohd Ghandi, Robert Kennedy and Clinton all have dubious characters. On one hand they are like " heroes" but they have conducts which they don`t want other people to know on the other hand.

But they are remembered by the world. Perhaps it is because their good deeds outweigh their darkened spots.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Deliver your goods but don`t quarrel.

In a family, brothers and sisters may have different opinions. Some brothers are more greedy than others and some tend to be naughty. No matter what, they are your sibblings.

The PR representatives must understand that people vote them in is to give them a chance to do good job such as to make the state clean in all aspects and keep environment clean too. People want you to outperform the BN. You have to deliver your goods.

You may have some disagreement with your comrades in your party. You most probably hate them. But don`t forget, united you stand. divided you fall.

Your political enemy is waiting for you to kill each other. If you want to be voted in in the next general election, stop quarreling now. Remember, even brothers and sisters have conflicts. Forgive them and teach them to behave well. To condemn them publicly will not only bring your own downfall, you will also cause two party system to abort prematurely.

Deliver your goods but don`t quarrel.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CSL must take up the challenge

Chief minister LGE has challenged CSL to come to Penang in the next election. Penang is the state that has the most Chinese. Since MCA claimed that it represents the Chinese, CSL must go to Penang to face LGE.

Of late CSL has portrayed himself as a brave hero who dares to oppose UMNO. I think CSL would be a real hero if he dares to go to Penang and " finish off " LGE whom he accused is not " pandai" and does not know how to rule Penang. Why don`t Chua and his son go to Penang and take over the state so that MCA can rule Penang better.?