Friday, June 6, 2008


When the Vietnam war was over, An American couple went to the airport to receive their beloved son who was on his way home. At airport, the father received a phone call from his son. " Dad, I am back." The father replied, " son, we are so happy you are finally back and safe." The son said," Dad, I bring along with me a friend who is lame and handicaped due to the war." The father said," its ok if he stays with us for few days." But the son replied," No dad, my friend wants to stay with me for the rest of his life." Irritated, his father shouted," son you must be out of your mind. He has his family to take care of him and we have our own family to take care. We do not want unecessary burdens. " The son hanged the phone and he never appearred at the reception counter.
One day later , a news from a radio broadcasting station reported that a young soldier who just came back from Vietnam lept to his death from a building. The couple rushed to the scene . He found that the dead body is his son and that his son had lost a leg due to war.

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