Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Human Disasters In China

Many years ago, I criticised the rampant and rapid economic developments in China. The communist regime would not listen to my advise. The communist regime, eager to prove to the world that it is capable to make China an economic superpower, chopped down trees, destroyed the forests and built the three gorges dams, the railways, the housing projects and cleared lands for agricultural and industrial purposes without taking the environment factors into considerations.

Seeing the great economic developments going on, the ignorant and the foolish mainland and oversea Chinese praised the communist regime for its ' economic miracles"

But today, the Chinese are suffering for their ignorance and foolishness. Due to widespread felling of trees, the water catchment areas are destroyed permanently and the Southern parts of China are facing the most severe drought in the history of China. And now they are paying a hugh price for their indiscriminate ways of clearing forests and lands.

We are not against development. But any sensible government must know that it has to take environmental factors into considerations. A wise government would ensure that a tree chopped down ought to be replaced by replanting. But the foolish China government and some other greedy governments of corrupt countries do not bother about the consequence of deforestation. Hence many countries in the world including Malaysia are suffering from the extreme heat wave and the drought.

God creates the world but human beings destroy it. If the world leaders, particularly the stubborn Chinese leaders fail to protect their environment, drought, floods and famines will eventually wipe off the whole civilisation.

Repent, for the sake of future generations.

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