Friday, April 30, 2010

The Shanghai Expo

The communist leaders of China are very proud to launch the opening ceremony of Expo in Shanghai. These are people without wisdoms because they did not ask wisdom from God.

You look at the buildings they created. They are so ugly. They are even uglier than the bird nest in Beijing. But the foolish Chinese leaders are very proud. They are proud that Shanghai is full of concrete jungles and all habitats ( both fauna and flora ) were destroyed.

The foolish communist leaders, in their quest to show off, neglect the environment and clear forests in all parts of China. Before long, China will be full of concrete jungles and 1.3 billion Chinese will suffer from droughts, landslides, pollutions, food poisoning , earthquakes and other natural disasters.

While China government could fool many foreigners, those who had invested in PCSF and PCIF would not be fooled because their investments in the China markets through Hangseng are not making money.

Meanwhile, the poor Chinese peasants and those in the rural areas are not amused with the Shanghai expo. Some of them are suffering from extreme poverty and many of them have to resort to immoral business or activities to earn a living. Shame to the China government.

1 comment:

Cheen Aik said...


到了今时今日,美国的人权记录,还是跟中国可以on par.Guantanamo的监牢,杀死了多少个人?入侵阿富汗,入侵伊拉克,波斯湾战争,入侵南美各国. 美国是一个厚无脸耻的国家,一边可以说道理,一边可以杀人。


说到环境,美国境内的coal powered plant,多不胜数,当年的kyoto protocol,因为美国不签,而失败。

