Saturday, July 5, 2008

Is there Law In China?

A sixteen year old girl student had been raped and murdered in the province of Guichou in China.

According to reliable sources, the girl had been raped and killed by the nephew of a powerful local officer in Guichou. The police tried to cover up the case and claimed that the girl committed suicide because her family did not treat her well. And the officers concerned tried to destroy the evidenve that she had been raped and murdered.

When the family members protested this grotesque case,the police beat up a close member of the victim`s family and he died from serious injuries. And this had aroused the anger of the people and thousands of people in Kuichou demonstrated against the cruel way of handling this type of rape and murder case.

Although I am just a Malaysian Chinese( fortunately my ancestors came out of China), i feel deep sympathy and sorrow for the victim`s family. At the same time, I feel angry and regret that the Chinese government allowed this type of barbaric crime to happen in Guichou . The central government of Beijing not only tried to protect the officers and the murderers concerned but also used excessive force to dispel the demonstrators. Many people were seriously wounded by the riot police in the demonstrations.

The question here is: Does China have Law? If it has a law, why the law is not used to protect the victim and her family but instead is used to protect the criminal who is a close relative of a high ranking officer?

I strongly think that the United Nation under the leadership of US should intervene in this case.This case involves human right and the life of an innocent girl. If China government, under the leadership of Hu Jin Tao, cannot handle this case fairly, then China is not fit to organize the Olympic games in the coming August. One of the most important objectives of the olympic games is to promote human right, justice and peace for all races and nations. If China government cannot protect its own people from the hands of criminals and worse, sides with the criminals, it has no justification whatsover to organise olympic games. To allow Beijing to organize the olympic games will be a laughing stock and mockery to the world`s justice if China government has no respect for human right and life of an innocent girl.

In this regard, i strongly appeal to the world leaders, particularly Bush , to exert pressure on the China government , to investigate this rape and murder case and brings justice to the victim`s family. The rapists , the murderes and the officers concerned ( no matter how powerful they are) should be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

In the feudal China, it was a norm for officers to rape, kill and murder any people as they liked. But today we are in a borderless world. The China government cannot say that the rape and the murder case belongs to its home affair and other countries cannot interfere. In fact, all civilized countries in the world should interfere in this case .If your neighbour decides to kill his girl, should we keep quiet and say this is other people`s business and we should not interfere?

The world`s leaders should intervene immediately. If China government refuses to obey rules of laws and insist this case is the internal affair of China, then it is proper for all the world`s leaders (especially Bush), atheletes, sportsmen or sportswomen to boycott the olympic games.
If china government strogly thinks it can do what it thinks is right, let Beijing runs its own olympic events without world`s participations.

Ling Toh Woon

No 9 Jalan AnggerikLiparis 31/ 148 Kota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam Selangor .Malaysia Tel 012 - 3767032

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