Saturday, July 12, 2008

Towards A Better Tomorrow

Some ignorant people blame the present political instability for the poor performance of KLSE. It is totally wrong. Though political stability is important, it is not the most important factor that is taken into consideration by the foreign investors when they decide to invest in a country.
If political stability is the main criterion for the foreign investors to invest in a country, then we would expect Singapore, Hong kong, Taiwan, China, America and Europe`s share markets to do well since all the above-mentioned countries are very stable. Singapore and China will not toletate any forms of political dissents and there aren`t any strong opposition parties in the two countries. Yet, the share markets in both the countries tumbled. Shanghai share market falls to below 3000 points from its peak of 6000 points last year.
The world economy is badly affected by the increasing oil price and the subprime problems of America. Even if today BN were to sweep all the seats in the parliament , the foreign investors will still pull out from the Malaysian markets once they have made enough profits after pushing the index to its new height of 1500 points in the year 2007.

Infact, Malaysians should be grateful that Malaysia has become more democratic, more transparent and enjoys more freedom under the leadership of Paklah. Do you think the former prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir would allow Malaysians to have the present democracy and freedom enjoyed by us if he is still in power now?

When a country transits from dictatorship to democracy, there bound to have chaos , confusion and quarrels in the political arena. Some countries are more fortunate and transition of power is smooth when government changes hand. These countries include the western democratic countries , Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Some countries are less fortunate. Thus when Surhato was forced to step down, the remnants of the Surhato cronies and his succeessors rioted. They burnt down houses, killed and raped the Chinese.

We are grateful that Pak Lah is a logical and reasonable politician who allows smooth transition of power in the states governed by the People Alliance.This is democracy. Pak lah respects rules of laws. And we hope that even if the People Alliance were to gain majority seats in the next coming election , it would be allowed to rule the country peacefully without any riots and disturbances. When all politicians respect rules of laws, Malaysia will be a land filled with milk and honey.

When we are gearing towards two party system, disputes, quarrels and confusions in politics are inevitable. We hope that both BN and PA will have the political maturity to maintain law , order and peace in their struggles to gain power.

Fellow Malaysians, don`t you think that we Malaysians are fortunate that we enjoy democracy and freedom more than some of our friends in the neighbouriong countries? In some countries , the opposition parties have no chance of winning an election because they are constantly harrassed by the ruling parties.The opposition leaders are always charged for libels , defamations and bankruptcy. The opponents are either declared bankrupt or in the jails. They have no chance of winning a fair election. But these countries are stable politically. Do you want Malaysia to have this type of so-called democracy whereby press is controlled, feedom of speech is curtailed and judiciary manipulated?
So count the blessings, brothers. Do not simply accuse that foreign investors running away from Malaysia due to political instability. What the investors want is a country which practices real democracy ,transparency and accountability. The investors wants an independent judiciary and zero corruptions. On top of that , the foreign investors want to see that our government takes actions against the corrupt company directors who cheat and disregards the interests of small share holders. If we can guarantee the foreigners a conducive environment to invest so that they can maximize their profits, we are confident that they will flock into Malaysia.

we strongly believe that political instability is a temporary phenomenon . If everyboby respects rules of laws and that excutive, legislative and judiciary powers ensure that nobody is above the laws, then Malaysia will have a bright future despite its present uncertainties.

Ling Toh Woon

9 jalan AnggerikLiparis 31/148 kota Kemuning. 40460 shah Alam Selangor. malaysia

Tel 012 3767032. please contact the writter through

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