Tuesday, July 29, 2008


82 years old J eyaretnam is a man to be respected.Though he had been jailed many times by Singapore government and declared bankrupt many times, he does not give up easily. He is the thorn of the flesh to the Singapore government.

At his age, most people , if not all, would quit politic. It is more so in Singapore as there is no future for the opposition parties since politic is monopolised by PAP and there isn`t any democracy or judiciary independence in Singapore. But Jeyaretnam said that as long as he is healthy, he would continue to fifgt for democracy and freedom in Singapore, knowing very well that he might be jailed and declared bankrupt again.
Jeyaretnam is a man of pricinple.Unlike most politicians (expecially Malaysian politicians) who joined politic for the sole reason of personal gain, Jeyaretnam takes politic as a noble course to fight for democracy and freedom for Singaporeans. Sadly, not many Singaporeans appreciate his contributions to the nation. Many Singaporeans and Malaysians think that he is a fool. Sometimes, it is the " fool "like Jeyaretnam and Nelson mandela who contribute to the civilisation of mankind rather than those dictators who think that they are indispensable.

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