Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do not try to cover up the real truth about Teoh Beng Hock`s death

The forensic expert from Thailand had disclosed that she is 80 percent sure that Teoh Beng Hock was murdered based on the evidences she had gathered. It is not surprising because almost all Malaysians , regardless of race and religion, believe that he was murdered.

The MACC denied that its officers were involved in the murder of Teoh. It tried to cover up the real truth. It tried to fool the Malaysians by asking and bringing in a lot of foolish and irrelevant evidences such as Teoh`s housemaid, his bank account balance and even tried to ask Teoh`s relative to go for mental check up. It was all rubbish and ridiculous.

The Malaysian forensic experts have lost their integrity and credibility because they had earlier insisted that Teoh commited suicide. These so called forensic experts are not professional in their duties. They are liers who cannot be trusted at all.

A murder is a murder. Do not try to cover up. If our government is sincere about the One Malaysia policy, it should set up a royal commision to find out the muderer or murderes of Teoh and let the laws deal with the murderers concerned, failing which One Malaysia is just another political slogan which has got no meaning and not to be trusted at all.

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