Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Is Drinking Compared To Other Immoral Practices?

The picture of Zaid drinking in the public is very damaging. In the past, it was the opposition parties which used such tactic to" finish off " the political opponents. But today, the BN is using such tactic.The PR is in the receiving ends and it is too timid to counter attack.

While the political enemies of Zaid adopted character assasination tactics, they must know that they themselves are even dirtier and more immoral. Some of them are tainted with sex DVD scandal . Some are tainted with money politics, votes buying, threatening voters and spreadng lies. These people feel no shame at all. They think that they are heroes. One of the MCA leaders is a porn star. If he still has dignity, he should bow out of politics gracefully.

To many muslims, drinking is against the religion. But isn`t bigamy,adultery, cheating, corruption, swindling , money politics , corruption, votes buying and intimidating the voters more sinful and considered as serious sins and offences in the eyes of all religions?

So ,the political enemies of PKR, while condemning Zaid, should look at the mirror and see their own ugly faces.

To all voters of Hulu Selangor, if somebody offer you money, do not be grateful to them because that is your own money. The politicians are parasites. They take a lot of money from the people and give you back a little. Use your wisdom to vote. Do not let your eyes be blinded by money . May you seek God for wisdom in your voting.

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