Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Death Sentence

Death sentence should be applied on the hardcore criminals who murder, kill , rape and causing death to others with intention, or knowing that what they do would most probably cause death to others, such as arson, robbery and so on.

For other minor crimes, death sentence should not be applied unless the criminals repeat the same crimes over and over again. Education and the religion play a vital role to eradicate crimes.

Death sentence may not be very effective to eradicate crimes. Look at China, though corrupted officials are sentenced to death, there are thousands of communist cadres who are willing to die in order to become rich through illegal ways such as smugglings, abuse of power, money laundering and many other forms of corruptions.

A civilised country feels reluctant to apply capital punishments. Capital punishments should only be carried out sparingly on hardcore criminals who would not repent.

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