Saturday, February 19, 2011

China , the coming superpower?

Many economists, political analysts and scholars publish articles about China`s so-called economic wonders. They claim that China`s GDP is going to surpass Japan and America. And some even predict that China`s scientific research would overtake America soon.

All these analysts are telling half truths only. Yes, China `s economy is growing and America`s economy is shrinking.But can the economic grwoth be transformed into military power? It is not necessary.

While people`s attention is focused at the GDP of China, they miss out an important point. Every year, thousands of intelligent students go to America to study and they refuse to go home because they are disillusioned by the corrupt government of China. These top brains are in America, leaving behind the not so intelligent people who remain patriotic to the corrupt country. The brain drains would cost China dearly.

Corruptions and abuse of power will continue to plague China. Hu jintao and his followers allow only economic but not political reforms. Without democracy, the educated and talented Chinese would lack of platforms to express and perform. Soon, these young professionals have to join the corrupt officials for their own survivals.

Can a country ruled by dictators become a superpower? It is doubtful. If that was true, China under Mao Zedong should be the most powerful in the world but it was the other way around.

Meanwhile, a lot of people, particularly from the West , are trying to paint a false picture where China is going to overtake America and Japan. They are either ignorant, childish or they have some agendas. Perhaps they want to wake up the Americans.

Let me repeat, without democracy there won`t be progress and improvements. If you don`t believe, do have a look at Egypt, Myammar, Cuba,Middle East and other countries ruled by dictators such as North korea.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The next century belongs to China? Stop dreaming.

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