Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lee Kuan Yew and his threats again

Ffew days ago Lee Kuan Yew made another threat that if the opposition leaders were to be allowed into the parliament, Singapore might lose what it gained in the past few decades.

As usual, Lee thinks that he and the PAP leaders are the only intelligent people in Singapore and the rest are stupid people. This is the typical thinking of a dictator.

Singapore `s success story is not due to Lee Kuan Yew and PAP alone. It is successful because Singaporeans are diligent, highly educated and having the spirit of kiasu( afraid to lose). So Lee should not think that he and PAP are indispensable. If Lee were to allow the opposition to have a chance to rule Singapore, I am sure the opposition could do equally well , if not better than PAP.

Under the iron fist, Singaporeans have lost the instincts to think and to react to challenging circumstances. They are reduced merely to robots who execute orders of PAP and the Lees.This is the greatest danger faced by Singapore should Lees pass away one day.

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