Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Americans Should Change Their mindset

Americans are suffering for what they have practising all these years. They depend too much on the welfare system whreby lazy people do not want to work and depend on government for help. They reap what they sow.

In one of the statements made by president-elect Obama, he said that he is going to help hardworking Americans. I think he is doing the right thing. The welfare system should only be applicable to the very sick, needy and the destitute. The welfare system should not help any strong and healthy people who are lazy to work.

Morever, Americans should learn how to spend within their mean. They should not rely too much on credit card and government should impose tjghter rules for banks to lend money to eligible borrowers who are able to pay back loans. The Amereicans should cultivate habit of saving money, not spending money. If Americans don`t change their mindset, even Obama cannot save them

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