Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It Is Wrong To Ask People To Be Grateful

Muhyidin blamed the chinese for not supporting BN in the by elections.

It is very wrong to ask people to be grateful . In any elections, people have the rights to choose the candidate they want. So if BN were to give out cash or anything to fish for votes, it should not expect people to reciprocate. People are masters in democratic countries. Nobody should dictate whom the people must vote.

One must know that to gain support, one not only allocate money for development. The party concerned must really be pro rakyat in every field. If a party is corrupt or certain politicians are corrupt and immoral, does it mean that the people must support and vote for them even if they were to hand out some goodies in the election ?

In any election, there is winner and there is loser. The loser cannot blame anybody but himself.

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