Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some expectations of the new prime minister.

Now that Najib has become the new prime minister of Malaysia. We hope that he will do something to improve human right record of Malaysia. we also hope that he will abolish ISA. We hope that Najib is serious in getting rid of money politics in UMNO as well as in government. He must be fair to every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion and cultural backgrounds.

Pak Lah had promised a l;ot before but delivered little. The MACC is a toothless tiger. It is not impartial and it only catches small fish. Najib`s administration must revamp the MACC and make sure that the MACC is independent and has the full power to prosecute the big fish for corruptions and for abuse of power.

Mahathir is now back into UMNO. IF Mahathir wants to be respected by the world, he must behave like MAndela and treat all races equal. But if Mahathir chooses to be like the late Suharto, his bad name will go into the history of Malaysia. We hop[e he and Najib will make the right decisions.

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