Saturday, January 9, 2010

All Religions Advocate Peace But Not Violence

It is unfortunate to see that some people put laws into their hands. They use violence and they burn churches. I think these people have been misled.If they are unhappy about the use of "Allah " by certain groups, they should go through the proper channel to voice out their grieviances. They should sit down and have an open discussion with the catholics concerned.

Most Malaysians are peace loving. Most people beleive in tolerence and peace. God always forgives the wrong doers. We hope that the incident would not repeat and we believe that the police would be able to control the situation.


Leto said...

I agree with you.. I was completely shocked to hear that the churches had been attacked. No proper follower of a religion (whether Islam, Christian or anything else) would resort to such destruction. Shameful act.

Anonymous said...

"It is unfortunate to see that some people put laws into their hands" its take the law into their own hands.

耀 said...

I agree with you sir, =)