Monday, March 29, 2010

Good And Bad News For DAP and PR

Noe That CSL is the new president of MCA. It is good news because although this man is accepted by his supporters who share with him the same interest , he may not be accepted by the Chinese community due to that fact fact he has committed sins ' all men would commit'. His party members even accused him and his gang of involving in money politics. How much money changed hand only God knows.

The bad news is this man has good leadership qualities. He has strong organisational skills which many PR leaders do not possess. The fact that he could easily beat Ong Tee Keat and Ong kar Ting even with his tainted background clearly shows that he is sly and cunning.

If the DAP and the PR leaders were over confident and underestimate the ability of this man and make the same mistakes as both Ongs made, it would be disastrous for both DAP and PR in the next general election. Don`t forget, he has lots of financial supports and he could mobilise thousands of comrades who share his idealogy and interest. Ong Tee keat and Ong kar Ting have underestimated this person. If the PR leaders are complacent as both Ongs, the PR might not be able to take over Putrajaya.

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