Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thank You , My Dear Friends And Students

I am greatly touched and deeply moved when I received so many well wishes in conjunction with my birthday today. I am grateful that you all take great trouble to find out my birthday.

To tell you the truth, I am both happy and sad. Happy that you all are kind and sincere enough to wish me happy birthday. Sad because I am one year older. But it is an inevtable journey everybody has to go through.Also, I would like to apologise to you because I could not remember your birth date and I did not wish you a happy birthday earlier.

To my beloved friends and my dear students, I would like to wish you all ( in advance) a great and happy birthday. May your life be filled with joys and happiness and that one day when you look back, you would be proud that you have had such a wonderful memory with so many nice friends and the loved ones who always cheer up your life.

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