Sunday, May 29, 2011

Natural disasters and the folly of people

You reap what you sow. The foolish governments of the world rush to clear forests and chop down trees in the name of development. The water catchment regions are destroyed. Pollutions everywhere.Nuclear blasts did not stop the countries concerned to stop using nuclear energy. More and more nations are going into nuclear energy. The world is sitting on the time bombs.

China government and other governments of the world did not repent. They continue with the rapid pace of developments, clearing more forests.The world is getting more and more polluted. Beautiful sceneries disappear from the face of the earth.

Tsunami, typhoons and earthquakes did not wake up the greedy people. They continue to destroy the very world created by god.
But god will not allow the greedy people to destroy the Earth. The greedy people will reap what they sow. Just watch out

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