Saturday, May 14, 2011

Neither fear nor favour

I personally do not know Lee Kuan Yew. Neither do I know Hu Jintao. But I hate all the dictators of the world because they will bring more damage than good to their country or people. That is why I always criticise the authoritative rules and the dictators.

I am glad that the younger generations of Singapore realize that economic success means nothing if they do not have democracy and the freedom. When the government decides how many children you should have or what you must or must not do, it is your duty to dispose off this type of government.

In China, there is no way for the Chinese to get rid of tyrants. They are at the mercy of unjust and the abusive government. The Chinese are paying a heavy price because their forefathers had given the communist party too much power. It needs a revolution to dispose off this authoritative regime. The conditions are not right yet for a revolution.

The Chinese have to repent and pray to God. God will hear their prayers and God will grant them a democratic government when they have repented for their sins.

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