Saturday, June 20, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

There is a split of opinion whether former communist leader , Chin Peng, should be allowed back to Malaysia . Actually , it makes no difference for communism is already dead. The communists committed political suicides few decades ago when tyrants such as Mao Zedong, Pol Pot , Lenin, Stalin and other dictators killed millions of their own race. The communists are worst than nazis since they killed ther own countrymen whereas nazis killed other races.

There is no more place for communism in the world anymore. A former communist leader wants to settle in a democratic country? Why not let him stay in Malaysia to show to the world that communist leader decides to choose a democratic Malaysia to stay but not communist China?

Communism is dead. Don`t worry about Chin peng and his comrades. when communists decide to settle in a democratic country, it is a proof that they themselves do not believe in communism anymore.

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