Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pakatan Rakyat Must Stay United Or It Will Be Defeated In the Next Election

It is disheartening to see that components parties of Pakatan Rakyat are quarreling among themselves. Some even quarrel within the same party.

The STAR, the UTUSAN and other mainstream newspapers are high lighting the quarrels within the PR. They have hidden agendas.

The PR leaders must must have the wisdoms to solve issues amicably among themselves. In this regard, they must always consult the wiseman , the menteri besar of Kelantan , who tamed the trouble makers in PAS recently in a wise manner.

If the PR politicians do not wake up and continue to use media for their own interest and fire each other, they will be out of power very soon.

Remember , the Rakyat want you to stay united. If you can`t , please bow out of politics gracefully before you get voted out.

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