Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some Advice to Lim kuan Eng

Dear chief minister,

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you for becoming chief minister of Penang after the march 08 election. You have found favour in the eyes of God.
However, your political enemies are not happy with you. They want to topple you and the state government of Penang.

Therefore, you have to be careful in all your moves. Do not be over confident and follow the footstep of former Perak government. You must remember you are dealing with enemies who have billions of money to spend and they have all the mass media behind them.So in your endeavours, do consult wise people like your father, vice president of Keadilan ( Hussein Ali) , Nik Aziz and other learned people and wise people from various walks of life. Do not be impulsive, emotional and hot tempered when dealing with your poltical enemies who are using trivial issues to gun you down. Read Sun Tze art of warfare and learn to be more humble. Read the bible to know what God has to speak to you. Always seek for guidance, advice and wisdom before you act or tackle certain issues.

Remember, your political enemies want one pound of your flesh. If you are proud and do things without consulting others, Penang may end up as Perak.

I am not a wise man but some of my words may be useful to you. Always pray to God for help, guidance and advice.

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