Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hu Jintao going to America again.

Hu Jintao is going to meet Obama again. This time, he not only brings billions of dollars to shut the eyes and mouth of Obama and his administration, he also brings along with him 50 prominent figures who are experts in their own field. Wow. This is extravagant. Even the feudal emperors and the ancient dictators could not match Hu.

Meanwhile, at home, the poor Chinese have to pay high taxes, struggling to pay for houses that are beyond their means. Thousands of peasants lose their lands to the greedy local government officials under the "fantastic" name of " developement". Many were killed or persecuted when they protested against the illegal confiscation of their lands. Some were runned over by vehicles in the obvious day-light murders. The central government closes one eye. Hu jintao either does not care or collaborates with the local government to persecute these pitiful peasants whom they regard as " counter revolutionaries." To the communist regime, you must willingly give away your ancestral lands to prove that you are patriotic. If you resist, you are" counter revolutionary "and you deserve to be jailed or killed.

The world is watching what Obama would say to Hu Jintao, knowing very well that his hands are tainted with the poor Chinese`s bloods. The world is watching whether Obama`s eyes and mouth would be shut by the billions of dollars and the invaluable gifts Hu is going to give to Obama. Whether the president deserves the votes of Americans in the next presidential election depends on how he deals with one of the cruest regimes in this century.

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