Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who politicized what?

It is a sad story for the late Teoh Beng Hock and his family. TBH is dead. What they want is truth and justice and nothing else.But they couldn`t get.

We believe that he did not commit suicide. Unless he suffered from mental problems, there was no reason for TBH to commit suicide.After all he was to get married the next day before his death.

When there is death, it is the responsibility of the government to find out the truth and the person or persons involved be brought to court to face the law. When this is not done, the family has the right to pursue this issue and nobody should accuse them of politicizing the issue.

If some parties or indivisuals have no wisdom and accuse others of politicizing, they must understand that the tragedy could befall on their loved ones or their future generations one day. Should that happen, would they say the same thing again?

We should show mercy and pity to the late TBH and his family. To condemn them in whatsoever way is rude, arrogant, cruel and inhumane.

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