Sunday, January 2, 2011

This era belongs to China?

There are many people who claim that this era belongs to China because of its rapid economic growth. They are either ignorant or childish.

First, economic growth is not necessarily equal the military growth. A rich country is not necessarily a powerful country. Singapore is very rich yet it is not powerful. On the other hand America is poor but it is powerful.

Second, China has no democracy. A country ruled by dictators can never be powerful or can never become a superpower because dictators are usually not intelligent though they can be brutal, cruel and merciless. Talented people won`t stay in a country ruled by dictators. I can assure you that the talented Chinese are dying to migrate to America. Without talented scientists, educationalists, businessmen and technicians, China can never be a superpower. So ignorant people, please stop dreaming that this era belongs to China.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very deep and an eye opening observation.