Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is There Anymore Leader Of Calibre In MCA ?

These few days, Chua Soi Lek seemed to be very popular. He gave statements, comments, calling for press conference and his photo appeared almost daily in the newspapers. It is as though he was not involved in sex scandal before.

Birds of the same feathers flock together. So Chua got many friends, supporters and comrades. They all share the common interest and hobby of Chua, that is ----------.

The more Chua makes statements the more MCA and BN lose votes because people equate charecters of Chua with all charecters of leaders of MCA and BN.They are the same.

So Chua, please make more statements. Please call for more press conference and more comments because there aren`t anu capable leaders in MCA and BN. You are the only "capable 'leader because only you dare to do such a thing and you have the courage to appear anywhere as if the man in the DVD is not you.

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