Saturday, May 23, 2009

Economic Crisis, H1N1. What Else?

When the world still has not solved the economic crisis, another disaster---H1N1 comes.There may be more disasters coming.

To the non christians, these disasters are natural phenomena but to christians, these disasters could be punishments of God to sinners.

All people are sinners. Nobody can claim that he is righteous. But the blood of Jesus has redeemed us from our sins. For the bible says, the God so loves the world that he who believes in Him will be saved. Jesus died in the cross to save everybody,.You are saved not because you are righteous. you are saved because God died for you. Isn`t that Jesus a great God? It is like our own father who rather sacrifies his own life so that his children may live.

So you may ask why God still wants to punish us. The fact is all father punishes his naughty sons so that they become good . Punishment is to make things right. Punishments make the sinners repent. God does not enjoy punishment just as parents don`t enjoy punishing their children.

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