Friday, May 8, 2009

Hee Yit foong ----a traitor

Hee yit foong will definitely be voted out next term. She is a silly woman who can easily be bought over by BN. She is a woman who can easily tell lies, no integrity, no honesty. All Malaysian Chinese, particularly women , are ashamed of her. But a woman like her does not know the meaning of shame. Her future generations should be ashaamed of her. Her husband has got no wisdom. Otherwise her husband would have advised her not to take money and sell her soul.

The court should disqualify all political frogs including Hee Yit Foong. Hee is so silly and thinks that she got power to chase Sivakumar out of assembly. Her power comes from people. When people discards her, she has no more power left. She is a mere puppet of BN which will also be discardrd by malaysians soon

1 comment:

Lawrence Low said...

She is a retarded...I know she suffers from some kind of disease since small. So probably yeah people like this can't make proper decision

The biggest traitor of Chinese. Democracy R.I.P