Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How To Curb Corruptions

In most developing countries including China, Myammar, Vietnam, Malaysia , Latin America and many African countries, corruptions have become pertinent problems that retard the economic growth of the countries concerned. Corruptions bring about poverty and millions of people in third world died every year due to corruptions. The collapse of schools in Sichuan province in China which caused tens of thousands of students to be buried alive in the earthquake is a good example.

The only way to curb corruptions is to limit the power of the ministers, deputy ministers, government officers and all sorts of government servants. This will prevent them from abusing their power.The mass media and the people should be given more power to oversee the jobs and duties of different ministries.

The other way is to practise two party seytem so that the corrupt government is replaced in every five years`s time.

When the power of the high or low ranking officers are limited, they would not have anymore loopholes to get lands and money illegally.They could not abuse their power easily

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