Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anniversary Of Tiannamen Massacre

The tiananmen massacre that took place many years ago was one of the most tragic stories in the history of communist China. In that incident, Deng Siao Ping ordered the killing of thousands of armless students. Though is was less disastrous compared to cultural revolution, it nonetheless has become a proof that communist party had caused more sufferings compared to all other suffering that had been brought about by all the feudal tyrants combined for the past few thousand years.

The world , especially the Chinese ,must unite and force the communist China tio acknowledle its mistakes and apologize to the Chinese.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore, the people in the world must always remember that whereever you stay, you should not allow the rulers or the governments to get too much power. Governments are like servants. But when servants have too much power, then they will kill the people who are supposed to be the masters.

As long as the communist government refuses to apologize for the sins committed by Mao Zedong, Deng Siao Ping, Lee Peng and other tyrants, it does not have any legitimate power to rule China. It is government of bandits, not government of Republic of China.

Friday, May 29, 2009


The PKFZ scandal involved many politicians and big fish. All these people must be charged in the courts and they must be forced to pay back all the money they had taken illegally. Otherwise they should be put in jail. The money belongs to taxpayers and the nation.

The former president of Korea , Mr Roh felt guilty and committed suicide because he was implicated in corruptions. Don`t the corrupt people in Malaysia feel guilty? We do not want them to commit suicide. We want them to pay back money to rakyat and to nation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

An unusual story

My daughther and my son failed to get JPA scholarship though they scored 9A1 , 1 A2 and 10A1 , 1 A2 respectively. i went to appeal to MCA ( I went to look for Ong kar Ting, then minister of Housing , but he was not in office) and even to Abdullah`office( then prime minister) All my efforts were fruitless. My repeated appeals were answered with repeated injury.
But some how, God is merciful and he provides the money required for my children`s education.
If I could not effort to send my children for further education, I would not imagige what I would do.(Perhaps I might join politics) we are angry because while government can`t provide enough scholarship for brilliant students, there are billions of dollars wasted such as in the PKFZ corruption scandal.

Why the government rather wastes money and let the corrupt people go free? Why don`t make use of money for good use, especially in the education where thousands of poor deserving students can benefit?

How To Curb Corruptions

In most developing countries including China, Myammar, Vietnam, Malaysia , Latin America and many African countries, corruptions have become pertinent problems that retard the economic growth of the countries concerned. Corruptions bring about poverty and millions of people in third world died every year due to corruptions. The collapse of schools in Sichuan province in China which caused tens of thousands of students to be buried alive in the earthquake is a good example.

The only way to curb corruptions is to limit the power of the ministers, deputy ministers, government officers and all sorts of government servants. This will prevent them from abusing their power.The mass media and the people should be given more power to oversee the jobs and duties of different ministries.

The other way is to practise two party seytem so that the corrupt government is replaced in every five years`s time.

When the power of the high or low ranking officers are limited, they would not have anymore loopholes to get lands and money illegally.They could not abuse their power easily

Monday, May 25, 2009


Every year the JPA has caused so much controversy that people becomes disillusioned with government policies and this is disastrous to BN.

Partly due to the fact that JPA is not transparent in handling scholarship, many unhappy parents turn to vote PR.
So if the government wants to win the herats of the people , it has to be fair in all the things it is doing

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The death of former president of Korea is a great loss to the world.

We are sad and sorry to read that former president of Korea, Mr Roh, had taken his own life.

Though mr. Roh was charged for corruptions, it is not the end of the world. He should have asked God for forgiveness and the God would have forgiven whatever sins he had committed earlier.

Life is precious. All men make mistakes. If we make mistakes and repent in front of God, all sins will be forgiven,

Though Mr Roh is no more around, he has set a very high standard to all politicians of the world, that is to be responsible of what one`s has done in life

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Dull By Election

Without BN taking part in the Penanti by election, we can forsee that this by election is a dull and boring one.

In the history of Malaysia , it is the opposition party which is fearful of by election but now BN is fearful of by election. The Feng Shui has changed.

In fact, BN should ask Chua Soi Lek or Hee Yit Foong to go to Penanti to test their popularity. One is famous for committing sins all men will commit and another is famous for telling lies and betraying her constituents. These two people are appropriate representations of BN. Let them go to Penanti to brighten up the dull atmosphere in Penanti. Let them entertain we Malaysians.

Anwar must be very disappointed that Najib is not leading the fight in Penanti now. It seems from now on there is no point for PR to initiate any by election because BN will not particiapate in the game.

Economic Crisis, H1N1. What Else?

When the world still has not solved the economic crisis, another disaster---H1N1 comes.There may be more disasters coming.

To the non christians, these disasters are natural phenomena but to christians, these disasters could be punishments of God to sinners.

All people are sinners. Nobody can claim that he is righteous. But the blood of Jesus has redeemed us from our sins. For the bible says, the God so loves the world that he who believes in Him will be saved. Jesus died in the cross to save everybody,.You are saved not because you are righteous. you are saved because God died for you. Isn`t that Jesus a great God? It is like our own father who rather sacrifies his own life so that his children may live.

So you may ask why God still wants to punish us. The fact is all father punishes his naughty sons so that they become good . Punishment is to make things right. Punishments make the sinners repent. God does not enjoy punishment just as parents don`t enjoy punishing their children.

Former president of Korea committed suicide

It is sad to read that the former president of Korea , Mr Roh had commited suicide. He is accused of corruption and he cold not face the humiliations he encountered.

But in Malaysia , China and some other developing countries, corruptions have become a norm and no big fish was charged in courts. Even if some high ranking officers were to be charged , they will be let off the hook. So no corrupt ministers or former ministers will commit suicide in Malaysia.

We do not want corrupt people to commit suicide in Malaysia but at least they must be punished for their sins.

Who Should be the rightful mentri besar of Perak

After the court of appeal declared that Zambri is the rightful menteri besar of Perak, the BN supporters feel exalted and they are in celebration mood.

Though I am not a politician, I would like to challenge anybody from BN or any organisation to debate on the topic" who is the rightful menteri besar of Perak"

BN has nothing to fear about the debate because it has vast experiences in debates, distortions, fabrications, lies and whatnot but I have got no such experience s thus far.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Scandal of PKFTZ

It was a shame that the PKFTZ scandal has caused billions of ringgits to go down the drain. The BN must address this problem fast or else it may be another time bomb for the BN in the next election.

The government must go to the roots to ensure that whoever( how powerful he may be) returns back money to the rakyat.Corruption has become a maglinant growth in most developing country.

If Malaysia cannot get rid of corruption, we Malaysians will suffer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

JPA Scholarship

I think the JPA should conduct a checkout on the familes before awarding scholarship. Those rich people can afford to spend money on their children`s education. Only the needy and the poor need schorlarship. If the rich students get good results, the government can give them due recognition by awarding them with certificates.
For example the millionairs could easily send their sons oversea . So JPA `s scholarship becomes insignificant to them. But poor people depend very much on scholarship.

So, our government should have the wisdom to reform the ways JPA handling scholarship

Monday, May 18, 2009

Practise what you preach

There are some hypocrates in Malaysia who talk about rule of law, human right , freedom and social contract. But they are easily bought over by money , position and privileges. These hypocrates gave talk, present working papers and delivered speeches to give an image that they are freedom fighter and democracy defenders... In the beginning people were fooled by these hypocrates. Fortunately, these hypocrates do not walk the talk . So they are not trusted by the people anymore. Instead , they become parasites and nuisanse to the society. These hypocrates include the corrupt politicians who gathered wealth through illegal means.

But now Malaysians have achieved higher level of political awareness. The politicians who tried to fool the rakyat will soon be discarded in the next general election.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mahathir`s Logic

Mahathir used to be a great politician but now he is no longer respected by the world and Malaysians due to his extreme and obsolete ideas and comments.

For example, Mahathir said that Perak should not call for fresh election because PR will win the election. This is something odd. If BN thinks that in the next national election PR will win, does it mean that BN should also not call for the next election in few years`s time ?

Mahathir must think carefully before he speaks.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let The People Decide

Power of the government comes from the people, not from courts or any other institutions. When there is a dispute, such as the tussle between BN and PR, the best solution is to dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh election.

In a democratic country, people have the supreme power. He who dares not face the people is not qualified to rule. So, in order to gain respect and dignity, Najib has no choice but to call for fresh elections in Perak.

If the political frogs such as Hee Yit Foong thinks she is so mighty and powerful, let her face the rakyat in a fresh election.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hee Yit Foong - A Liar

Hee Yit foong is the most notorious liar of Malaysia. she tell lies without hesitation. She betrayed the voters, the DAP and cheated almost everybody. She used chemicals to spray on others and later denied. She got money to defect and she denied. She does not know the meaning of shame. She is worst than animals who shows guilt when they are doing something wrong. For example, if a dog does something that its master does not approve, it will feel guilty and will not do it again. But Hee Yit Foong first cheated DAP and the voters and now behaves as if she is the most powerful person in the state assembly by ordering security guards to chase out the legitimate speaker Siva kumar.

A natural liar, Hee Yit Foong had called for press conference to deny any wrong doings. Whoever believes her must be as mad as her1

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hee Yit foong ----a traitor

Hee yit foong will definitely be voted out next term. She is a silly woman who can easily be bought over by BN. She is a woman who can easily tell lies, no integrity, no honesty. All Malaysian Chinese, particularly women , are ashamed of her. But a woman like her does not know the meaning of shame. Her future generations should be ashaamed of her. Her husband has got no wisdom. Otherwise her husband would have advised her not to take money and sell her soul.

The court should disqualify all political frogs including Hee Yit Foong. Hee is so silly and thinks that she got power to chase Sivakumar out of assembly. Her power comes from people. When people discards her, she has no more power left. She is a mere puppet of BN which will also be discardrd by malaysians soon

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mat Rempit

we are glad that the police is now serious with the Mat rempit now.The Mat rempit are parasites that have to be rounded out to do social works such as cleaning public toilets, cut grass and work in plantation or factories so that our country does not require foreign workers.
The government should take serious actions against all sorts of criminals, whether they are locals or foreigners.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chua soi Lek wants To Join PKR

Chua Soi LEK in his blog mentioned that a party( most probably PKR) invited him and his son Chua Tee yong to join PKR.

It it stupid for Anwar to invite immoral people into PKR. Chua Soi LEk is a burden to MCA. Ong Tee keat is dieing to get rid of him. IF Chua were to join PKR , it would be the begining of the end of PR.

In fact, Chua has no intention to join PKR. He leaks out news that PKR invited him to join it so that he shows his last card to threaten Ong and Najib. He his giving ultimatum to BN to appoint him and his son to be ministers or else they will do something . If Chua was serious in joining PKR, he would not leak out the news. Anwar is so stupid . He was given a ride by a political fox.

If in the event that Chua finally did join PKR, MCA is most happy to get rid of political waste and dirt. And the PKR or PR would be discarded by the people because people cannot accept immoral politicians.

Man Against Virus

Man is supposed to be the God`s greatest creation. And yet a small virus of size 1 nanometer or smaller can kill a man. This means that man cannot be arrogant because no matter how intelligent a man can be , there will be some other natural enemies that man needs to counter. And this intelligence of killing virus and natural enemies comes from God.

So eventually man still needs God to get wisdom to invent or to discover new drugs to kill virus such as the swine virus that broke out in Mexico